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Potential of starting a craft beer brewer in India-Broad Environment


Potential of starting a craft beer brewer in India-Broad Environment. Please prepare the following informations shortly:

1- Water and roads challenge affecting supply chain for the brewer industry

2- Range of the ages consuming beer in India based on the region ( the percentage portion to the population ) – ( prefer the numbers to be in harts/graphics ). At the end cite your reference

3- Micro-breweries increase or decrease over years ( prefer the numbers to be in harts/graphics ). At the end cite your reference

4- According to Wiki: #74 in Tariff rate (India’s tariff rate is higher than the other countries ), compute taxes and tariffs to referring to the following websites or your own resources (prefer to be in charts/graphics ). At the end cite your reference .

Beer product code (HS) 22030000


Calculator: https://customsdutyfree.com/duty-calculator/



5- Why licensing regulations of the brewer industry are difficult ( At the end cite your reference )

6- Economic factors of the beer brewer (show figures and numbers along with the references )- prefer charts/graphics . At the end cite your reference .

All the above questions can be brief but most important to show the trends in charts/graphs along with citations( your reference or source of the information )

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