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Power Point Qualitive Research Proposal


Power Point Qualitive Research Proposal

Power Point Qualitive Research Proposal


Power point Qualitive Research Proposal

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Challenges Faced by First Generational College Students

Rebecca Faino

Capella University

PSY-FPX7860 Survey of Research Methods

Lana Nassen

October 20, 2020

Power Point Qualitive Research Proposal


First generational students have always been associated with many challenges that they do face in their four year period in the different colleges and universities that they are in. these challenges are attributed to the fact that these students have no reference point of how university or college life is. This paper will therefore research on the challenges faced by first generational students in their encounter with school. The paper will specifically consider different elements of a research that include the problem statement, research methods and designs, research questions, population and evaluation. All these elements will specifically help in developing a detailed research that will help in addressing the issue at hand and therefore coming with a conclusion that is informed and that will help in supporting the hypothesis made by the paper.

Challenges Faced by First Generational College Students


First generational college students are basically students whose ether their parents or their immediate siblings have bot completed or did not complete their four year period in ether a university or college. However many concerns have been raised as to whether this definition fully describes the concept of first generational college students. There are some cases where the parents of students have some college knowledge but have not earned a recognized degree or certification from any university or college, this can bring about confusion if a student from such a background can qualify to be a first generational college student. Other factors that can also be discussed under this is the fact that one can have extended family members who have attained university or college degree e.g. grandparents, uncles or aunts and this brings about an argument as to if a student from such a background could still qualify to be a first generational college students (Burger & Naude, 2019). Many of the first generational college students are usually considered to come from certain specific groups, these groups include low income households, children of parents who are immigrants in a country, and others might come from white students who come from working class and are economically not so much stable.

In this research therefore, the paper will specifically try to discuss the different challenges that first generational college students are facing in their lives in colleges and universities. There are many challenges that are being faced by these students and this is usually attributed to the fact that they are the first experiencing college life and therefore they have no reference point to this and this makes them not to prepare for the life that is going to get them from there (Marquez, 2019). The purpose of this paper is therefore to outline these challenges in an extensive way through a mixed design approach that is qualitative and quantitative research approach and help students know the exact kind of challenges that they might face when being introduced to university life without any other person from the background or their family having the knowledge of the university life.

Statement of the Problem

In the recent years, there have been concerns relating the challenges that students are going through in their university lives. These challenges have been huge in the recent years and there has reason a need in looking at the reason as to why these challenges are there and why students in the universities are going through this challenges in their daily lives. A research that was carried by Ives et al., (2020) proved that the challenges that many students were facing in the different universities and colleges was to a larger extent associated with their less knowledge on the kind of things that they will be facing in times when they come to the universities or colleges. The less information that they therefore have on this has been associated with these challenges. A bigger number of students who are having troubles and challenges in their university or college lives are in most of them first generational college students. This therefore has been the reason as to why they are exposed to these challenges.

The fact that there are no family members who have gone through universities or colleges that preceded them makes them to be vulnerable to the challenges that await them in their respective colleges and universities. College students who do come from a background that has family members and people who have achieved university degrees un the past and in their family are always considered to be at a lower risk of facing the challenges that are there and that people do face in the universities, this is basically the case because, them going to the universities they will have already basic information of the things to expect in the university and the challenges that they are likely to face. This knowledge therefore makes them to be prepared and ready to face any problem that they may encounter in their respective areas of school and universities. These problems have therefore been constant and the need to be addressed for the students in the future to know the kind of issues that they might face upon joining universities or colleges especially if they do not have parents or family members who have been to the university in the previous years.

Research Questions

This research as stated above seeks to understand and know the challenges that first generational students might face upon joining the university or different colleges. The research questions that will be therefore asked to students who will be chosen will be related to understanding these challenges. It is first important to note that the research in this case took a qualitative approach in seeking to understand the topic. Some of the research questions that the research will be seeking to understand include, what are the common challenges that students face in the university or college?, what are the specific challenges that first generational college students face in the university? How can these challenges be solved by both first generational college students and students with family members who have been through colleges or universities? (Harper et al., 2020)


This is the next element of the research that will be conducted in the case. Population is basically the subjects that will be used to research this selected topic. The population chosen should first ensure that it meets the inclusion criteria for this study. The people who therefore will meet the choosing criteria for this research are students from different colleges and universities. However, the population to be completed and the needed subjects to be selected, there are other things that are needed to be done to accomplish this.

Under population we will have randomization and sample. Randomization is basically the process that is used that will ensure that each member and in this case students from the university and especially the first generational college students have equal chance of being included in the study sample. It is from this that the actual sample is chosen from. The sample that will therefore be chosen for this study include a population of 100 college students who will be qualitatively studied. In this sample we will have 50 college students who are considered to be first generational college students and 50 students who are considered not being first generational students. Dividing the subjects of the sample in this way will specifically help in identifying the common challenges that are faced by students who are considered to be first generational college students and those that are not, this will also and most importantly help to identify the unique and specific problems that are faced by students who are first generational college student.

Research Methods

This research being a qualitative research, the research methods that will be carried out will be in line with the research approach that has been chosen. After choosing the sample that the research will focus in testing its hypothesis on, the first research method that will be used in them will be interviews. These interviews will be carried out in clusters and in person. The questions that have been identified in the research questions in this sector will be asked to the participants face to face in the school facility that will be chosen (Rice et al., 2017). The questions will be asked and the responses will be recorded through taking notes by the interviewer and then the notes will be compiled separately, that it the notes taken from first generational college students will be compiled separately and the notes collected from the responses of the students who are not first generational college students will also be collected and compiled together and later analyzed for the results of the study to be concluded from these.

Another research method that will be used is questionnaires. This is a good way of obtaining information from participants of a research especially if the participants are many. Considering the population of the participants being used in this case being 100 participants, this will be a suitable qualitative research method that will also be used to collect the information from the selected population. This is a very good form of doing the research since the questionnaires can be administered to the participants and then they are given time to respond to the questions asked in the questionnaires that regard to the challenges that first generational students face in college or universities.

Not only does this research method save time when it comes to the process of collecting data but also this research method will help getting genuine responses from the participants as this will help participant state their feelings and views without them worrying about the reaction that can be possibly made by the researcher in in this case an interview or an observational method of research was being used (Burger & Naude, 2019). After the questionnaires are given out and collected back, the researcher can compile them in a way that the questionnaires answered by the first generational college students are put aside and the ones that are answered by the other students are also put aside and analyzed differently and conclusions made differently from each of these. It is from these research methods that the research will collect the qualitative data that it needs to answer the research questions that were asked above.

Research Design

The qualitative research design that is used in this study of identifying the challenges that first generational students face in their college or university lives is the grounded theory research design. A grounded research design basically involves the process of collecting and analyzing data. The data that is therefore collected and analyzed in this case is actual and no numerical data is interpreted of taken into account in this case. In this case therefore the data that is collected from the research methods above are used to construct a theory from the same. To do this therefore the data that is systematically collected from the interview carried out and the questionnaires administered are analyzed using comparative analysis. Therefore, the identified challenges that students who come from families that already had students in the universities or colleges is analyzed and compared to the data collected from the students who are said to be first generational college students. From this comparison and analysis a theory is constructed and the theory is that first generational students face more challenges in the colleges and universities and this is due to the fact that they do not have other proceeding family members in the universities that would help in guiding them and be prepared for the challenges that may face in the process of going through the whole system.


Basing the research on the data collection and the analysis strategies that are used in this topic, the expected results outcome would be obvious. After critically looking at the participants and identifying their characteristics and interviews carried on them and questionnaires administered and collected, the outcomes of this will be that the research will identify that fist generational college students are usually exposed to higher challenges compared to students who are not fist generational college students (Toutkoushian et al., 2021). The challenges that are also encountered by first generational students do differ with those that are encountered and experienced by students who have family members who have gone to universities.


First generational college students have been considered to take a larger percentage of the students who are experiencing challenges in the colleges or universities. The lack of people to guide and educate them on the possible challenges that might encounter in the university makes them to march on into an environment that they have less knowledge about and this therefore makes them be victims of challenges that they could have had avoided if they were given an idea of the things that they could have had encountered. The research therefore in this case took a qualitative approach in looking at this topic and discussed it in detail using different research methods and designs and came up with a conclusion that was based on a qualitative research that was done on the identified population.


Burger, A., & Naude, L. (2019). Success in higher education: differences between first-and continuous-generation students. Social Psychology of Education22(5), 1059-1083. Retrieved from: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11218-019-09513-6

Harper, C. E., Zhu, H., & Marquez Kiyama, J. (2020). Parents and families of first-generation college students experience their own college transition. Journal of Higher Education, 91(4), 540-564. Retrieved from: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/87568225.2019.1578940?casa_token=7eGhLyRGGTAAAAAA:5GUkCL64u6zTECP3zHMZq3V_pJDQxl9z0w_5FdFSSGqKyLzqYINHUXY18BrAtwdG9sL858jkcohcFiE3

Ives, J., & Castillo-Montoya, M. (2020). First-generation college students as academic learners: A systematic review. Review of Educational Research90(2), 139-178. Retrieved from: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.3102/0034654319899707

Marquez, C. G. (2019). A Review on First-Generation College Students: Challenges They Face in College When Dealing With Mental Health Issues. UC Merced Undergraduate Research Journal11(2). Retrieved from: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/0rp5f091

Rice, A. J., Colbow, A. J., Gibbons, S., Cederberg, C., Sahker, E., Liu, W. M., & Wurster, K. (2017). The social class worldviews of first-generation college students. Counselling Psychology Quarterly30(4), 415-440. Retrieved from: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09515070.2016.1179170?casa_token=G-uWyH_qBSsAAAAA:HEaetN3njemJTn1Xc8pz4BdNU0v9nRPBA00sIdIrwrbZD0_v4689qdgRlo37kjs2qcWm1PONe2MRhE3C

Toutkoushian, R. K., May-Trifiletti, J. A., & Clayton, A. B. (2021). From “first in family” to “first to finish”: Does college graduation vary by how first-generation college status is defined?. Educational Policy35(3), 481-521. Retrieved from: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0895904818823753

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