Unit 6 Learning Objectives
This unit focuses upon the following CLO:
- CLO 6. Assess performance, provide feedback, resolve issues and manage changes effectively.
- ULO 6.1 Describe the project life cycle and the critical points to manage conflict and communication.
- ULO 6.2 Discuss change management between team members on virtual teams and change management in on-ground teams.
- ULO 6.3 Assess a case of project failure based on the planning that has been completed with attention to the teams involved and make recommendations for success.
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Using these Unit Learning Outcomes:
Write a 4-5 page paper in APA format (not including the cover page and reference page). Please click here to view the criteria by which you will be assessed for the achievement of the CLO for this unit. Please use the APA Sample provided in the student resources to complete your assignment.
Final project: Select one of the well-known cases in the link below:
After conduction research on the case, you selected, discuss the causes of its failure. Concentrate on the HR and team aspects as well as what that team needs to do. Align the failure case to the project life cycle. Note the points at which the project went wrong and also the points at which the project could have been saved. Provide recommendations for solving the issues. As part of the assignment, complete the change management template (click here) and the project review template (click here) for the project failure that you selected. In your recommendations for this project, focus on:
- Open & effective communication
- Develop trust amongst members
- Constructive management of conflicts
- Encourage collaborative problem-solving
- Encourage collaborative decision-making.