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Project using Tableau and writing part


This project is divided into three parts:

  • Tableau: as the project guideline stated that there’s no specific instructions. You’re free to display the data in the best way that shows outliers and interesting information. There are 4 sheets, 2 dash bored and one story.
  • Word document
  • The video

The data will be uploaded.

Please make it creative as much as you can

In this part you would need to follow the instructions of word document

NOTE: there is no specific words count which mean you can write as much as you need

You would just need to answer the question (written) for the video part as if it was recorded

This is the link of the video:


There will be sample for the tableau with some description and another video sample just to give you an idea of what is required

Please follow the instructions and the criteria precisely

Let me know if you have any question

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