PSY 223 Milestone One Worksheet.
PSY 223 Milestone One Worksheet.
For your first step, you will select a scenario with an accompanying data set from the Scenarios and Data Sets document to be the basis of your statistical analysis report. When deciding on which scenario to choose, determine which one is the most beneficial for your area of concentration in psychology. Microsoft Excel is the recommended statistical software for this course, and the data sets are already placed into Excel files. Using the Milestone One Worksheet, you will summarize your chosen scenario and accompanying data set and discuss the potential ethical issues. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Introduction A. Indicate your scenario/data set choice and explain why you have chosen this particular scenario and data set. B. Summarize the scenario you’ve chosen, including participants, the data set presented, and the question that can be answered by the data. C. Discuss why the scenario exemplifies a study that agrees with APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists. D. Discuss ethical issues that may potentially arise when analyzing and reporting statistical data. E. Explain what you will do in your data analysis and reporting to ensure alignment with the expectations of APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists. Guidelines for Submission: Complete the Milestone One Worksheet using complete sentences. Your submission should be no more than 3 pages double spaced in Microsoft Word and 12-point Times New Roman font with one-inch margins.
- psy223_scenarios_and_data_sets.pdf
- psy223_milestone_one_worksheet.doc
PSY 223 Milestone One Worksheet
Review the critical elements that must be addressed in the final project. Use this worksheet to develop Milestone One. Remember the central idea behind psychological ethics is to recognize an individual’s dignity and to prevent a study, or treatment, from disturbing this.
1. Indicate what data set you have chosen and why. If you chose it because of your concentration in psychology, describe in about two sentences why you chose this concentration. [Recall the concentrations in psychology at Southern New Hampshire University are Child and Adolescent Development, Forensic Psychology, Mental Health, Addictions, Social Psychology, and Applied Psychology.]
2. Describe the involved parties in the data set presented and the question that you can answer by the data.
3. Discuss why the study exemplifies one that agrees with The American Psychological Association’s (APA) Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. [This question is open-ended. In answering, you could describe the elements of ethics code the study follows. You could also describe violations the study avoids.]
4. Discuss ethical issues that might arise when you are analyzing and reporting statistical results. [For example, think about not infringing upon an individual’s privacy, or about not wanting the wording you use to lead to unfair or unjust categorization.]
5. Describe one way in which you will ensure your reporting of results will align with the APA ethics code.