psychology assessment


Selecting an Instrument

Consider that you are a psychology professional, working in your area of interest in an educational setting (public or private school setting).(350 words)

Pick one of the following instruments to consider while answering the questions below:

Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL 1 ½ – 5) (CBCL 4 – 18)
Adult Basic Learning Examination
American College Testing Program – A-C-T
Child Sexual Behavior Inventory
Connors Rating Scales, Revised (CRS-R)
Cooperative Achievement Test
Diagnostic Mathematics Inventory
Graduate Record Examination
Horn Art Aptitude Inventory
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children – II
KeyMath Revised
Learning Potential Assessment Device
Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)
Metropolitan Mathematics Instructional Tests
Metropolitan Readiness Tests
Miller Analogies Test
Quality of School Life Scales
Scholastic Aptitude Test
Seashore Measures of Musical Talents
SRA California Achievement Tests
Stanford Diagnostic Mathematics Test
Stanford Diagnostic Mathematics Test
Stanford Diagnostic Reading Test
Study Habits Checklist
Survey of School Attitudes
Survey of Study Habits and Attitudes
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test – II (WIAT-II)
What I Like to Do Interest Inventory
Wide Range Achievement Test – IV (WRAT-IV)
Woodcock Johnson – III
Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests – Revised

Locate appropriate support material in order to address the following:

1. What data regarding the reliability of the instrument is available (integrate major issues from Unit 4)?

2. What data regarding the validity of the instrument is available (integrate major issues from Unit 5)?

3. What is purported to be measured by the instrument?

4. In your specialty area, how would information from this instrument be employed to assist a client in an educational setting?  Be sure to include references as appropriate.

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