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PTC The American Evaluation Association Website Analysis



Visit the American Evaluation Association Website: http://www.eval.org

Click on “Find an Evaluator” in the menu at the top of the page.

You may search by state or browse all listings.


  1. Identify two evaluation groups that you may be interested in working with later in your career.
  2. Visit both evaluation group’s websites and look around.

Assignment: Submit on the blackboard a two-page, double-spaced summary of the information you found. Please include the following information

  1. The name and location of the 2 evaluation groups you selected.
  2. For EACH group – 1 paragraph about why you were interested in their work.
  3. For EACH group – 1-2 paragraphs about what types of evaluations the team has done in the past, services they provide, and any other information you found on their website.
  4. In summary – reflect on the two evaluation groups you chose. Was there anything that surprised you in their information on eval.org or their websites? What additional information would you want that you did not find?

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