Public Health Question


The outline and annotated bibliography for the research paper’s intent is to provide you with a logical framework for the research paper. Your outline and paper will have an introduction, body, summary and a conclusion. The outline should not exceed two pages and will be will be single-spaced in 11 or 12 pt TNR or Calibri. It will reference your citations. The annotated bibliography (AB, which contains the citations) can be as long as you like, but it should include at least 16 PEER REVIEWED articles supporting your points in the outline and the paper; more are good. The aim of the AB is to help you understand your citations. For each article the AB will include the full reference in APA style, aim of the study, hypothesis(es), summary of participants (age, gender, status, N), method of data collection (study design (cross-sectional, retrospective study, prospective, or Randomized Control Trial), data reduction, data analyses, results, your conclusions, the authors’ conclusions, and the studies major strengths and weaknesses. The AB will support your writing.


OUTLINE COMPONENTS – follow these very closely:

Your Name

Topic: The effect of Physical Activity and fitness on the risk of developing OBESITY.


Opening Idea

Definitions (w/ references)

Review basic points of Body


Anecdote about a personal experience if applicable (be brief)…reason for interest this area.

Problem and its magnitude (w/ references regarding costs, number affected…)

Reviews have shown that…examples…peer reviewed (w/ refs, 2 meta-analyses)

Specific PA and fitness studies have shown… use studies to cover TCSDPI guidelines.

Guidelines to infer causation…
-temporality: cause must precede effect

-consistency: similar studies, similar results

-strength (of association): clinically meaningful

-Dose response: more cause = more effect

-plausibility (biological): mechanism

-independence: effects remain after cofounds found

Cross-sectional (at least 2 refs)…good for Strength of association and more

Retro-case-control (at least 2 refs) …good for Temporality and more

Prospective cohort (at least 4 refs) good for Temporality, Independence, more

Randomized Control Trials (at least 3 refs – if they can be found – these are often good for mechanism and may be found in animal studies)…good for Plausibility, Dose Response, more

Negative studies – don’t cite only the positive studies, there may be some negative studies worth reporting.

Review of guidelines (i.e., Mill’s Canons (TCSDPI): Use 2 citations for each Canon from above; this serves as another review of the above studies and answers the question: is the effect of regular Physical Activity on reducing the risk of obesity real? “Check-off” each guideline at least twice. DO NOT REPEAT REFS.

Summary and Conclusion:

Generalized statements about what studies show and don’t show in context of TCSDPI

Directions for future research (what questions need to be answered?)

Conclude with 1-2 sentences. “In conclusion it appears that there are a number of studies, and very few studies, that…


Annotated Bibliography of peer reviewed studies (APA Style) attached.

General form of APA is (for more go to:

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number (issue number), pages.

Followed by annotation.

Annotation: a note added to a text, book, drawing, etc., as a comment or explanation. : the act of adding notes or comments to something : the act of annotating something.

ABs will, as stated above, will contain the following for each article:

Full reference in APA style

1.aim of the study


3.summary of participants (age, gender, status, N)

4.method of data collection (study design (X-sect, retro, prospective, or RCT) reduction analyses


8.your conclusions

9.the authors’ conclusions

10.the studies major strengths and weaknesses.

Your AB need not be “bulleted,” though.

When I begin looking for studies, I use PubMed ( to look for and find peer-reviewed studies. Some of the studies may be available for free via the PubMed.

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