quality work required


A2 Assessment Concise Report (1,000 words) Worth: 30%

A2 Submission

Late penalty:

If the assignment is submitted (without an approved extension) after the due date and time, it will attract a

late penalty of 10% per day (including weekends) up to a maximum of 10 days, at which time the penalty

will be 100% of what the assignment is worth. Assessments will not be accepted after the marked

assessment task has been returned to students who submitted the task on time.

Also see section on Extension, Special Consideration, and late assignment penalties in attached Social

Science Student Resources document

Submission method:

Assignment submission will be through vUWS online assignment submission mechanism

Is assessment compulsory?

Yes, you must complete this assessment in order to be eligible to pass the unit (as explained in Section 5)

regardless of your final aggregate mark.

Is Cover Sheet required?

Yes, you must use the cover sheet from the Cover Sheets attachment

A2 Description

Devise a table with suitable categorisations showing the funding requirements of a typical Australian

capital city. Then, using appropriate examples describe and assess the reasonable funding options

available. Weigh efficiency and equity outcomes in your assessments.

A2 Criteria Marking Criteria and Standards:

Criteria Subtotal

Appropriateness and legibility of table 25%

Appropriateness of funding options 25%

Assessment of funding options in terms of efficiency and equity 25%

Overall effectiveness of argument and approach 25%


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