By Thursday, make a discussion post providing the following:
1-2 paragraph summary of your project proposal, paying special attention to the primary and secondary research you have decided to pursue. You might consider answering any of the following questions:
What primary research strategies have you adopted? Why have you chosen these strategies? What are the advantages or disadvantages of these strategies?
What is your plan for secondary research? What keywords and databases are you using? What information are you hoping to find?
What types of evidence might your audience find persuasive? How will your research process allow you to arrive at this evidence?
A 1-2 paragraph summary of the current state of your research. You might consider answering the following questions:
Where are you at in your research process? Provide a timeline of the work you have completed and the work that you hope to complete in the coming weeks.
If you have conducted primary and secondary research, what have you found in your research so far?
If you have conducted primary and secondary research, what questions remain unanswered or what ideas/arguments remain undeveloped? How and to what extent will you address these gaps?