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Read requirements for more information on the essay.


Look through the slides in the powerpoint attached below and organize the slides using common terms, themes, or tropes. Try developing a set of categories for making sense of the variations. In other words, find a way to succinctly express what has been collected across the scope of contributions.The essay need not address all the artifacts in the collection, but it should address at least ten. Make sure to explain how and why you choose your examples; don’t arbitrarily pick ten to work with. Furthermore, your writing should address the media form you have chosen as well the examples themselves.

Then, use your “reading” of those artifacts to make and defend a strong claim of your own that extends or refutes an argument from the text “The Trouble with Wilderness; or, Getting Back to the Wrong Nature” by William Cronon.

As you write the paper, use representative examples to illustrate your points, rather than simply summarizing the evidence. Please include images, and direct quotes. Moreover, try to acknowledge and make a place for outliers, rather than discarding them outright.

Please type the paper based on this abstract I created:

Using William Cronon’s idea of wilderness, express the relationship between media and the environment. In the reading Cronon states, “This escape from history is one reason why the language use to talk about wilderness is often permeated with spiritual and religious values that reflect human ideals far more than the material world of physical nature.” This is one quote that shows how the use of comics and the language could potentially show nature in a spiritual way, almost with a sublime aspect. I would like to argue that the use of comics expands this claim.

Use Chicago Style footnotes: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html(Links to an external site.)
Using the metadata provided, cite the original sources for each media artifact.

Also, PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY OUTSIDE SOURCES! Please ONLY use the two sources I have uploaded!



10: A strong, unconventional claim, which has not already been fully explored in class.

9: A strong claim, which extends discussions that we have had in class.

8: An identifiable claim, which could use some refinement.

7: A connection to the reading, but no clear unifying claim.

6 and below: No clear connection to the reading.

Media Use

10: A creative and highly developed analysis of media artifacts, which directly supports your main claim.

9: A clear but underdeveloped analysis of media artifacts, which directly supports your main claim.

8: An uneven analysis of media artifacts, which does not always support your main claim.

7: A disconnected analysis, which is only tangentially connected to the media artifacts or your main claim.

6 and below: An analysis of media artifacts that is confusing or incomplete.

Writing Style

10: A lucid, well structured, and engaging writing style. No apparent grammatical or spelling mistakes.

9: A clear writing style that is easy to follow. Almost no grammatical or spelling mistakes.

8: An uneven writing style, which is unclear at times. Few grammatical or spelling mistakes.

7: A poorly structured writing style. Significant grammatical or spelling mistakes.

6 and below: A writing style that is difficult to follow. Egregious grammatical or spelling mistakes.

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