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recommendations Make the following paragraphs short main points ( bullet points



recommendations Make the following paragraphs short main points ( bullet points ) for each part to use them in power point slides rather then long paragraphs.Employee EngagementEvery employee working in an organization has a critical role in achieving the overall corporate goals. Arguably, companies can only achieve their goals if every employee performs their jobs effectively and accurately. Consequentially, companies have to design practical strategic approaches to ensure their employees perform in their jobs. According to (Ali and Munir, 2020), employee engagement is one of the most effective approaches organizations can use to boost their employee job performance. Moreover, the researcher rationalizes that employees with more work engagement typically perform better in their jobs than disengaged employees (Ali and Munir, 2020). Osborne and Hammoud (2017) observe that disengaged workers cost American companies $350 billion per annum.Pay and BenefitsOthman et al. (2019) established a noteworthy connection between worker engagement and the company’s approach in compensating their employees through payment and other benefits. Ganesan et al. (2017) also found a significant correlational value between an organization’s pay and benefits system and creating high employer engagement. (Karthikeyan and Mirudhubashini (2013) also assert that employee pay and other monetary benefits play a critical role in promoting worker motivation and engagement in the construction industry.Work-Life BalanceGansesan et al. (2017) hypothesize that achieving an effective work-life balance is critical to achieving employee engagement for productivity. (Iqbal et al., 2017) also established a positive correlational value between work-life balance and effective worker engagement. However, the researchers confirmed that the influence of this essential factor varied from employee to employee. Zindiaric and Bernik (2021) assert that effective work and life balance in an organization is enabled by an organization’s work and life balance policies and supported by the leaders and other employees. Moreover, Zindiarsic and Bernik (2021) established that an effective company work-life balance critically shapes employees’ perception of the organization and improves their work engagement.Work EnvironmentHanasyha (2016) observes that the corporate work environment deals with the surroundings where employees carry out their tasks and obligations within an organization. (Chaudhry et al. 2017) assert that a good working environment make the employees chooses to stay with the organization, and actively works towards realizing the organization’s success. (Judeh, 2021) established a statistical correlational dynamic between an organization’s work environment and employee engagement, and found out that engagement is significantly related to work environment and ethical decision-making.Leadership and Management(Xu et al. 2011) proposes that there has been a consistent relationship between leadership and management approaches in an organization, creating employee engagement, motivation, and fulfillment within the corporate world. The preferred leadership and management approach in an organization also critically shapes the employee’s engagement. According to (Popli and Rizvi, 2016), transformational leadership and management approach typically yields better employee engagement and productivity. Moreover, the researchers assert that transformational leadership creates a positive work environment that motivates employees to increase their efforts and commitment towards achieving the organization’s goals and objectives (Popli and Rizvi, 2016). Gemede and Lee (2020) also established that transformational leadership effectively created better worker engagement and efficiency. However, the researchers asserted that laissez-faire leadership adversely affected employee engagement (Gemede and Lee, 2020).Training and DevelopmentAguinis and Kraiger (2009) define employee training and development as a structural and well-outlined process aiming to improve and enhance employees’ abilities and aptitude to increase effectiveness. Azeem and Paracha (2013) argue that training and development are critical in enhancing employee engagement. Moreover, the authors also assert that adequate training and development play a significant role in equipping employees with the required skills and found out that training and development are positively linked to employees engagement and in the workplace. (Azeem and Paracha (2013) also observe that employee training and development reduces the chances of conflicts among employees, and have a positive impact on their engagement and overall company productivity.Recognition(Frinlicia & Nilasari, 2019) found out that recognition, rewards, perceived organizational support, and spirituality have a positive and significant impact on employee engagement. According to (Nayak et al., 2020), employee recognition creates a sense of uniqueness, a strong personality, translating to employee self-worth and respect. Consequentially, (Nayak et al., 2020) argues that recognition positively affects the employee’s perception of his/her self-worth, enhances competitiveness among employees, fosters trust, and ultimately helps an organization realize its productivity goals. (Lartey, 2021) argues that an employee recognition culture within an organization makes employees feel trusted by their managers. The anticipation of a reward or recognition makes them highly enthusiastic about their jobs, creating higher engagement (Lartey, 2021).Research limitationsIt was unfortunate that the sample size was small in comparison with the recommended 200 participants for the research to produce relevant results. This is determined by the magnitude of the impact, as larger effects are simpler to detect and improve the power of the research. Therefore, rejecting or failing to reject the research hypothesis was not certain which increased the chances of biased results and implications. Also, this kind of research required more time for data collection and analysis and therefore time was very limited. Finally, there was limited research that has elaborated on factors that affect employee engagement in the middle east, and therefore finding research gaps was difficult for this study.Further research on the issue should include a diverse sample area as well as ensure the participation of all types of an organization including government sector to use the findings in a more general way and make them useful for larger audiences.Conclusions, implications, and recommendationsThis study made several conclusions. One is that offering benefits is significant in promoting employees, especially in private organizations. Employee engagement happens when employees are satisfied with their jobs and are enthusiastic about what they do. Employees that are highly engaged generally work more because they embrace the company’s vision and values. Money issues lead to stress, despair, illness, and workplace friction, which no employer likes to see in their workforce. Financially worried workers are more likely to hunt for a new career and less likely to finish daily responsibilities. Also, the study can conclude that most working individuals are the Generation Z who require high levels of work-life balance. Work-life balance provides workers with the tools and support they need to work more successfully, care for their health, enhance their abilities, and operate in a way that feels valued.RecommendationsThe research recommends that private organizations should ensure that employees should provide employees with a flexible working schedule which may help employees in managing their stress and have time for their families. Also, have pay satisfaction, comprehension of the pay plan, and conviction in the efficacy of the pay plan. In their payment plan, they should include health care coverage, overtime pay, bonuses, and commissions.

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