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  • Reflect on how dependent system administrators might be dependent on accurate time stamps and how Timestomp might be used maliciously. Would you regard this as an anti-forensics tool?

Reflect on how dependent system administrators might be dependent on accurate time stamps and how Timestomp might be used maliciously. Would you regard this as an anti-forensics tool?


Topic 1: TimestompUsing available online resources, research Timestomp. Reflect on howdependent system administrators might be dependent on accurate timestamps and how Timestomp might be used maliciously. Would you regardthis as an anti-forensics tool?In NIST Special Publication 800-83 Revision 1, Guide to Malware Incident Prevention and Handling for Desktops and Laptops read or review the following:Chapter 2: “Understanding Malware Threats”Chapter 4, Section 2: “Detection and Analysis”National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST). https://www.nist.gov/

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