ecting on curricular and co-curricular projects occurs across our
university and this assignment gives you the opportunity to showcase the
knowledge you have gained from your work “Chronicling Success” and
“Constructing Success” by writing a reflective letter to your instructor.
First, you will practice reflection as a productive and helpful activity. To do
so, you might choose to use the “Reflecting with Twelve” or “Reflecting with
Bloom” strategies that are detailed in your textbook. These strategies will
guide you through reflective activity and help you produce content that you
can then use to write your letter.
Second, you will write
a full-block professional letter
that communicates
the results of your reflection to your instructor. See the section called
“Writing a Letter: A How-To” in your textbook for information on how to
format this reflective letter.
The results of your reflection should describe your own knowledge-making or
your own learning. This letter should also use transitional devices effectively,
in order to present your learning to your instructor in a cohesive way.
Formatting Requirements
Your letter should be single-spaced and it should be somewhere between 1-2
full pages in length. It should be set in 12-point Times New Roman font on
1-inch margins and follow the conventional format of a full-block
professional letter.
You will submit this assignment through the dropbox on Elearning.
This assignment supports the course goals by allowing you to:
Consider the role of reflection in written communication and in
knowledge acquisition
Use a common kind of written discourse to communicate about
reflective activity
This reflection will be graded on how well the:
Letter describes your knowledge-making and learning
Writing uses transitional devices (topical and structural) to create
Writing builds upon the sentence-level skills (sentence shape and topic
sentences) cultivated earlier in the course
Use of full block formal letter formatting. See your textbook and this
online resource:…
The audience for this reflective letter is your instructor, who would like to
understand more about your learning and knowledge-making across the last
two projects.