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Research Paper: Detailed Structure Final Research Paper Create and Effective Tit



Research Paper: Detailed StructureFinalResearch PaperCreate and Effective Title (examples areprovided below):Introduction: Introduce your research paper, define key terms, add significanceof your research, introduce controversial views related to your topic, and movetowards thesis.–Thesis: Write the latest thesis statement you developed as you progressedwith your research. Kindly follow the structure below to revise your thesisstatements.Although some agree that “counterargument,”i.e. research proves that “argument” because“points of reasons/effects1,2,3” and this isimportant because “so what statement.”○ Ex:Although some agree that students should not wearuniforms to school as it infringes on individuality, research provesthat students should wear uniforms to schoolas it promotes equality, reduces bullying and detercrime rates, and this is important because it fostersa more conducive learning environment by enabling students to be moreacademically successful.Body Paragraphs:Paragraph 1:I. Add the first main idea supportingthe thesis.A. Explain yourmain idea and add a phrase introducing (source A) and representing whatyou will offer as proof from your research to support the main idea (sourceA) – Use the information you have in your Annotated Bibliography.1. Phrase ofspecific support/details/examples/statistics. Use your own words andinterpretation to connect the piece of evidence to your claim.2. Add anotherphrase from the same source if needed, explain it, and show how it is connectedto your claim.B. Introduce (sourceB) and put a phrase representing what you will offer as proof from yourresearch to support the main idea (source B).1. Phrase ofspecific support/details/examples/statistics. Use your own words andinterpretation to connect the piece of evidence to your claim.2. Add anotherphrase from the same source if needed, explain it, and show how it is connectedto your claim.Paragraph 2:II. Add Another main idea to supportthe thesis. Each body paragraph must have a main idea.You will have as many roman numerals as youhave body paragraphs.A. Explain yourmain idea and add a phrase introducing (source A) and representing whatyou will offer as proof from your research to support the main idea (sourceA) – Use the information you have in your Annotated Bibliography.1. Phrase ofspecific support/details/examples/statistics. Use your own words andinterpretation to connect the piece of evidence to your claim.2. Add anotherphrase from the same source if needed, explain it, and show how it is connectedto your claim.B. Introduce (sourceB) and put a phrase representing what you will offer as proof from yourresearch to support the main idea (source B).1. Phrase ofspecific support/details/examples/statistics. Use your own words and interpretationto connect the piece of evidence to your claim.2. Add anotherphrase from the same source if needed, explain it, and show how it is connectedto your claim.Paragraph 3: Repeat the same steps asyou develop your subsequent body paragraphs that support your thesis.Note:You may need to developmore than one paragraph to explain a single main idea/point while using sourcesto validate your point.Paragraph 4:Add a counterargumentof other authors’, scholars’, or people’s views/perspectives on your topic.1. Presentcounterargument(s) in a few sentences.2. Refute/attackthe opposing views using concrete evidence from your sources.Paragraph 5:Conclusion:Summarize your main points and re-state your thesis statement. Mention thelimitations of your research or any other challenges you faced throughout theresearch process.You need to also consider writing asentence explaining what this research has added to you. If you would expand onthis research topic, what would you do/add/prove?Include counterargument and research significance.Your argument still needs to be refined. I recommend you to focus on the consequences of depression on college students academic performance and follow this thoroughly in your body.PLEASE FOLLOW ALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS AND MLA STYLE PAPER AND CITATION THE ASSIGNMENTHAVE 20% OF THE TOTAL GRADE.I UPLOADED FILES PLEASE CHECK THEM THEY ARE NESSCERY

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