Research Paper First Draft


You are required to submit a draft of your research paper, which should be 6-9 pages. (Your final draft will be 10-15.)

This first draft should be written in Microsoft Word and double spaced in Times New Roman font (12 points).

Your paper must contain the following parts. The page guidelines below are for the final draft.

  • Introduction (1-2 pages) – This should be almost in final draft form, especially since it contains your thesis and will show me how you will be developing it. Put your thesis statement in bold type.
  • Informative Section – This will follow your introduction and provide the reader with research-based information about your topic. For instance, if you are writing on the subject of gun control, this section of the paper will summarize the history of the issue. It should be written in an objective manner, meaning that you do not need to discuss your opinion. For now you can write an outline of what you are presenting in bullet point form. As a guide, this part of the paper will be 2-3 pages and no more.
  • Opposing View – Again, for the first draft, you can simply do an outline. This should present the opinions and views of those who will not agree with your thesis or argument. This section will also be about 2-3 pages when you write your final draft.
  • YOUR VIEW! – Follow the same steps as the previous two sections when preparing your outline. This will likely be 3-4 pages, and you need to project your voice as a writer in your final draft.
  • Conclusion (1 paragraph – 1 full page)
  • Works Cited Section (4-5 Sources, all from the LAVC library. Please note that you can do all of your research online)


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