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Research paper in interior design



I have a writing presentation and paper

Writing Final Paper

Final paper will be between 2,500-3,000 words. It should include a title page and bibliography, separate from the word count.

Check the rubric grade for the paper attached* please review it carefully.

When referring to images in the paper, please include a brief reference at the end of the sentence indicating that the idea is connected to a visual reference by indicating (Fig. 1, 2, 3, etc.)

* Include 6 to 8 imagesof interior and furniture during that time and how it become different based on the history

Not people imagess as the proposal because I lost points on that

These pictures will be used in the final presentation and you have to add more to the presentation

Example (from David Brody’s “Domesticating the Orient”): attached*


Final Presentations. (based on the writing)

This includes clearly stating your thesis statement (instead of your research question) and describing your research and analysis that proves your thesis statement to be true, as well as your conclusion.

Presentations should be planned for 6-7 slides

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