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Research Paper On The affects of Video Games on Adolescents


Research Question/Topic: How and does video games affect adolescents especially since many adolescents are playing video games with their free time during the Covid pandemic. Find research on the benefits of video games and also the harms. Also research how to moderate video game usage to a healthy level.

Paper development: Use your introduction to explain your topic: what is it, and why is it relevant to civic literacy? What is the problem you are exploring; what is/are the guiding question(s) you wish to ask and answer? Then use your paper as an avenue to pursue these concerns with body paragraphs which provide vital information to understanding the problem or question; display research; provide historical context; present both academic and investigative sources you’ve read and your analysis. Your conclusion should: propose action for your readers; make suggestions as to how to handle the problem or answer the question(s); instruct your readers why this topic or information is of value or importance to the citizenry.

Assignment requirements: a minimum of four pages. Not almost four, not one line away from being four, not four including your Works Cited page. Most research papers wind up being closer to seven (or longer). Length requirements are not to help you practice your ability to stretch out your writing or practice “fluff”; they are there to ensure you engage critically and comprehensively with your material, providing concrete examples and analysis which is connected directly to your problem or question for your readers. In researching questions or problems, we should be looking for root causes, naming implications, and connecting findings to broader concerns. That takes reading and writing to do.

Five sources from a variety of outlets and mediums. Three must be academic sources, however. More than three is great, but three is the minimum. If you maintain your AB topic overall and have a scholarly source, use it.

MLA formatting with a complete Works Cited page and correct in-text citation usage.

Your papers should reflect the depth of knowledge you have gained through researching your topic. Your ideas will change and expand throughout your research and drafting processes. I should see significant revision and development through your drafting process. When evaluating your assignments, I’ll be reading for how much work you’ve done researching and using your findings in your paper; how well you connect your ideas and support your claims; how well you incorporate the work of others into your writing; how thoughtfully you’ve organized your paper; how clear your sentences are with appropriate use of tone, style, and language fitting your topic and audience.

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