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Read the posts of your peers and respond to at least two. In each case, regardless of your own position, identify the difficulties in enacting the learner’s proposal. Explain why you think these difficulties are important to consider, and invite a response. Be sure to respond to any questions posed to you by your peers or instructor




        In researching Visualizing Human Biology a type of illness that is linked to heart disease is hypertension known as high blood pressure Ireland (2013). Moreover hypertension can affect many people all over the world and can also effect the cardiovascular system as well. In addition in researching Recent Developments Concerning Diet and Hypertension authors Beilin, Burke, Puddey, Mori, & Hodgson (2001) state that hypertension can be controlled through dietary patterns and are important for individual and population in lowering blood pressure. Hypertension can also be developed through the food a person eats and trying to stay away from foods that are high in fat. Mayo clinic states (2015) that hypertension that is uncontrollable can lead to serious health problems, including heart attack or stroke. The type of environments that I work in is two types outside at a carwash and the other is inside with adolescents at a rehab. Additionally my work environments are very busy and a lot of the time it is difficult to eat on a scheduled time pattern. Beilin et al., (2001) addresses that the Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension is called the DASH diet. Moreover the dash diet focuses on eating fruits and vegetables daily, with cutting out saturated fat products and sugars (Beilin et al., 2001).

            The work environments that I work in are challenging to say the least in trying to cut out fats and sugars so that I would not develop hypertension down the road is important to me. Some life styles changes that I would have to make would be exercising, making meals ahead for the week to come, focusing on eating well balanced meals that have health value. The difficult task for me is finding the time to do the lifestyle changes and incorporating them into my work environment schedule. Beilin et al., (2001) states that eating fish or taking fish oils supplements can help reduce hypertension. In addition Beilin and research’s explain that there was significant improvement in serum triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and glucose in people with hypertension (Beilin et al., 2001). Hypertension appears to be causing damage in the blood vessels because the blood pressure is too high and this can cause an onset to heart disease or cardiovascular problems. The research points to what a person eats and if the food has any nutritional value for a person. Mayo clinic (2015) expresses that hypertension may show no symptoms within a person and also could be developed through genetics.

            There are many lifestyle choices that need to be made by a person with hypertension and also a person trying to prevent hypertension from ever occurring. A person that eats healthy and does not develop an overweight body, use of tobacco, high intake of salt, drink too much alcohol, very stressed and have chronic conditions (Mayo clinic 2015). These types of habits can only increase the risk of developing hypertension and are not the best lifestyle choices. I always find myself to be stressed out and at times not eating the healthiest of foods. In addition my lifestyle is concerning and can maybe lead to some type of hypertension. A person that is dealing with hypertension should try and exercises, reduce or quit smoking, drinking, and take medications to help control hypertension (Ireland 2013). There are many ways a person can decrease hypertension inside the body however there needs to be a lifestyle change that occurs for a person. There are medications out there that can reduce hypertension but still a person needs adapt a new lifestyle when it comes to foods, supplements, exercising, and how to handle stress. Beilin et al., (2001) states that their research shows how vitamin C supplementation may improve arterial endothelial function.

            In conclusion hypertension is a concern for many people from young to old age. Moreover eating healthier foods and finding time to eat these foods is vital. The more high fats and unhealthy amounts of sugar a person eats the higher the chances are of developing hypertension. A person having healthy lifestyle choices only helps a person to improve hypertension or stop it from trying to develop down the road. Hypertension is a major concern for society as a whole because many people eat unhealthy foods now a days. Furthermore high blood pressure will be a result for many generations to come. However the DASH diet, medications, supplementation, exercising, and coping with stress positively can lead people further away from high blood pressure. Lastly, a healthy lifestyle with healthy eating habits along with being active gives a person a fighting chance against hypertension.

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