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response to Kyla Baucom – My perfect tutors


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response to Kyla BaucomThe methods used for research implementation and dissemination have a significant impact on the findings of a study. For this reason, nurses must understand study approaches to reduce potential bias and improve data collection. The primary study approaches utilized can be defined as quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods. Quantitative research is an objective and formal approach that examines cause and effect relationships and tests hypotheses (Bloomfield & Fisher, 2019). This form of research is based on positivism, which emphasizes objectivity and a singular reality (Bloomfield & Fisher, 2019). Quantitative research is most applicable for research involving measuring variables and examining the impact of interventions (Bloomfield & Fisher, 2019).Qualitative research is a holistic and thorough approach to research that utilizes a flexible design to collect data (Moser & Korstjens, 2017). This approach seeks to provide insights regarding real-life issues and “does not introduce treatments, manipulate or quantify predefined variables” (Moser & Korstjens, 2017, p. 271). Qualitative research is based on constructivism, which asserts that reality is subjective and seeks to understand how different individuals interpret reality based on life experience and background (Moser & Korstjens, 2017). This approach has a variety of applications in the clinical setting when quantitative methods are less appropriate.Mixed methods research combines quantitative and qualitative data within the same research study to develop, implement, and evaluate interventions (Bressan et al., 2017). When utilizing mixed methods, quantitative data may be complemented by in-depth qualitative data to identify core components of phenomena (Bressan et al., 2017). This approach provides diverse perspectives that supplement and enhance one another (Bressan et al., 2017). Mixed methods research is based on a combination of objective and subjective paradigms and is best for complex research processes (Bressan et al., 2017). By examining each research study approach, researchers may distinguish appropriate methods for future research. In doing so, research dissemination may be improved while reducing confounding variables within clinical studies.References:Bloomfield, J., & Fisher, M. J. (2019). Quantitative research design. Journal of the Australasian Rehabilitation Nurses’ Association (JARNA), 22(2), 27–30. https://doi-org.ezproxylocal.library.nova.edu/10.33235/jarna.22.2.27-30 (Links to an external site.)Bressan, V., Bagnasco, A., Aleo, G., Timmins, F., Barisone, M., Bianchi, M., Pellegrini, R., & Sasso, L. (2017). Mixed-methods research in nursing – a critical review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26(19-20), 2878–2890. https://doi-org.ezproxylocal.library.nova.edu/10.1111/jocn.13631Moser, A., & Korstjens, I. (2017). Series: Practical guidance to qualitative research. Part 1: Introduction. The European Journal of General Practice, 23(1), 271–273. https://doi-org.ezproxylocal.library.nova.edu/10.1080/13814788.2017.1375093″Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you with a guaranteed plagiarism-free A+ quality paper.

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