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RGC Compare and Contrast Different Types of Job Analysis Question


Q1 Compare and contrast different methods of job analysis.

( My Answer )

According to Markovska (2019), there are many methods that we can use them depending on the nature of the work.

In the following, some of methods to do the job analysis in a good way:





-Less expensive.

  • Adequate with big numbers.
  • There is no immediate communication to collect more accurate data.
  • Various questions and answers.
  • Provides accurate information and details and reviews areas that need more clarifications.
  • Direct way to collect information.
  • Easy to control.
  • Interview results may be affected due to interviewer bias.
  • Requires more than one person to conduct the interview.
  • Preparing specific questions.
  • Easy to use.

-The receiver may misunderstand the questions.




-Gathering a comprehensive data about observable activities.

-May take more time and efforts.

-It’s required as observer skills.

-Employees behave differently due to observation.

Q1 – Requested answer improvement comment:

You have identified three analysis methods; questionnaire; interview & observation and the disadvantages and advantages of each. To meet in full the assessment criteria you also need to identify the similarities and differences between the methods.

Q2: Develop a plan to undertake a job analysis.

( My Answer )

To do a job analysis on the best way, we need to follow the steps below:

  • Identify the purpose: we need to know the exact purpose of JA to help us to select the right methods.
  • Select the analyst: we will select the analyst to build a group/team, it could be someone from the HR team like an HR Professional or line manager.
  • Select the right method: we must understand the JA and know the advantages and disadvantages for each method to choose the appropriate one.
  • Train and couch the analyst: we must train the analyst on how to use the selected method on the best way.
  • Preparation of JA: we must prepare all the required documents that are essential in the JA process, and to communicate with the target employees.
  • Collecting/Gathering information: we need to collect the date regarding the job tasks and responsibilities, work conditions, skills & abilities and behavior by using the selected method.
  • Review: we need to make sure it’s an accurate and valid.
  • Develop the JD and person specification: lastly, we need to develop the JD such as the tasks and responsibilities, and the person specification such as the KSA and qualification required.

Q2 – Requested answer improvement comment :

You have set out an 8 stage process to undertake a job analysis. Included in this are steps to ensure accuracy however you should also indicate how you have considered issues such as equality, confidentiality and the wider organisational culture.

References I have used:

  • Malcolm, M. & Fiona, W., 2016. Human resource practices. In Job Analysis in HR. 7th edition. CIPD.
  • Dessler, G., 2013. Human Resource Management. In Job Analysis. 13th ed. UK: Pearson Education.
  • Martin, M. & Whiting, F., 2016. Human Resource Practice. In Job Analysis. 7th ed. UK: CIPD.

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