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Roger Williams University Humanities Dreams Discussion Questions


I don’t know how to handle this Humanities question and need guidance.

Choose a recent dream you had. If you do not remember your dreams (not everyone does), ask someone close to you about a dream that person had. 

1)  Summarize the dream.  Give as much detail as possible.

2)  Analyze/interpret your dream by answering the following questions: 

a)  How might the images be symbolic of other things?  For guidance, look up the imagery in the Dreams Moods Dream Dictionary web site at http://www.dreammoods.com/dreamdictionary/

(Links to an external site.)

IMPORTANT NOTE:  THE SEARCH BOX AT THE TOP OF THAT WEB PAGE DOES NOT WORK.  YOU NEED TO SEARCH USING THE FIRST LETTERS OF THE IMAGES.  For example, if you had a dream about you and your couson riding a roller coaster, you would look under C for “cousin” and R for “roller coaster”.

b)  Did the dream involve a threat? 

c)  Was the dream a continuation of some daily thought pattern that you were having when you were awake? 

d) Did it involve your brain incorporating parts of internal/external sensations into the dream?

3)  How would YOU interpret this dream? 

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