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Santa Monica College Organization Managment Discussion Questions


Part One: Initial INDIVIDUAL Post

  1. Which of the management functions covered in this course (managing strategy, assessing the business environment, managing organization structure and job design, talent management, and managing performance) are currently most critical for your organization (or division, department, or work unit)? What are your organization’s most pressing ‘pain points’ or ‘development opportunities’ and why? 
  2. Which of the primary best practices (frameworks, principles, policies, tools, etc.) covered in this course are most applicable to your current organization’s development needs (or division, department, or work unit)? 
  3. Based on the content covered in this course, what are the top three recommendations that you would propose to your organization’s senior executive team or board?

Part Two: INDIVIDUAL Peer Response
On your own, read your fellow teams’ postings and comment on two which particularly resonate with your work experiences and/or organization development goals.

peer 1

Which of the management functions covered in this course (managing strategy, assessing the business environment, managing organization structure and job design, talent management, and managing performance) are currently most critical for your organization (or division, department, or work unit)?

I am currently working at the beauty company Ancash Beauty, which was founded in May of 2016, and so far, the company is worth 5 million dollars. The company’s headquarters are in Florence, Italy. The company has one main category: consumer-based products centered around Certified Organic Skin Care. Over the years, the company has become popular globally, for the most part, thanks to its organizational context behind the scenes. The organizational context of the company is influenced by the general environment and corporate ecosystem (Daft, 2018, ch 3). The company consists of “sectors that conduct day-to-day transactions with the organization and directly influence its basic operations and performance” (ch 3 daft). The company is engaged with community organizations via its social media web page. This engagement was something I developed in order for the company to spread its mission and plans of action within the skincare industry. The products’ reputation is determined not only by our existing customer base but the creation of new customer growth through its innovative marketing. However, a main industry regulatory body, which Ancash Beauty has no direct control of, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, can and does play a vital part in our industry reputation, which in turn is, directly and indirectly, related to Ancash Beauty’s reputation among its customer base, and thus customer growth. Ancash Beauty has always promoted an “organizational ecosystem” followed by a general environment, including the company’s different departments that “affect the organization indirectly”(Daft, 2018, ch 3).

What are your organization’s most pressing ‘pain points’ or ‘development opportunities’ and why?

The company has been experiencing intermittent communications with our material suppliers since March of 2020; which directly corresponds to federal regulations being imposed on our production process, and thus imposing changes on our company’s products. Ancash Beauty’s raw materials have always been supplied directly from Italy, and due to travel restrictions, it has been difficult in obtaining the necessary supplies from across the globe. The Covid-19 pandemic has altered our supply chains since our suppliers have to ship the raw materials not in person, as was the practice, but through express delivery services, which adds costs to our supply budgets. Personal interaction with our suppliers is vital to our production lines, and the loss of those relationships affects our global supply connectivity. The economic crisis caused by Covid-19 has resulted in lower company profits and return on the company’s investments into new endeavors, causing the restructuring of investments in terms of costs of products and services.

2) Which of the primary best practices (frameworks, principles, policies, tools, etc.) covered in this course are most applicable to your current organization’s development needs (or division, department, or work unit)?

For my upcoming transition into my future leadership role of the beauty company Ancash Beauty, the most relevant new leader onboarding best practices to my upcoming change into a leadership role is receiving the Executive Book of Knowledge. As a leader, it would be essential for me to be reminded of the company’s promotion of natural beauty and the importance of organic ingredients. The Executive Book of Knowledge enhances the foundation of the company’s reputation that, as a leader, I have to maintain. This Book would ensure my knowledge of the products’ global high quality and allows me to share Ancash Beauty’s vision of a “vegan only” beauty industry. These factors are included in a “comprehensive menu of files that address the following leadership-oriented topics: mission, vision, and values” (Groves, 2017, p.54).

3) Based on the content covered in this course, what are the top three recommendations that you would propose to your organization’s senior executive team or board?

, the company can achieve success if, I, as a leader, can plan actions to answer challenges in the future. Therefore, I would like to set an objective to adopt a 90-Day Transition Plan (Groves, 2017); this would set off a series of learning activities for the first 90 days to prevent future challenges.

Additionally, during this time period, I would be able to provide resources, such as development plans for all the employees, including mandatory team activities covering the importance of strategizing a plan to overcome challenges within the company. Furthermore, the 90-Day Transition Plan would be an opportunity to promote a learning environment and build relationships within the company. Specifically, the relationship between the leaders of every department and the company executives to approve plans and schedule a review date after the three months have passed.

Another important program that I would apply to the company is the New Leader Assimilation Plan, , in order to promote strong leadership relationships within the company’s environment (Groves, 2017). An efficient plan of action would be planning a series of sessions in which open communication between departments would be conducted for inclusivity, educational, and feedback purposes.

Also, I would like to introduce a sponsorship proposal(s), with a particular emphasis on the company’s mission statement, its future objectives, return on equity, return on investment opportunities, and the company’s demographics. This plan of action has to be made to strategize a way to engage senior leaders as program sponsors, mentors, and project advisors to prove the company’s “relevance and credibility” ( Groves, 2017, pg 162).


Daft, R. (2018). Management. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

Groves, K. (2017). Winning Strategies: Building a Sustainable Leadership Pipeline through Talent Management & Succession Planning. Bozeman, MT: Second River Healthcare

peer 2

Which management functions covered in this course (managing strategy, assessing the business environment, managing organization structure, and job design, talent management, and managing performance) are currently most critical for your organization (or division, department, or work unit)? What are your organization’s most pressing ‘pain points’ or ‘development opportunities’ and why?

Today, I feel strongly that Habitat for Humanity can first and foremost benefit from evaluating all the forms of communication between the different divisions and come up with a single feasible program all can adopt. Communication is a critical factor in getting the job done, and in this type of organization, multiple divisions are working together simultaneously. One program necessary to support interdepartmental communication was shared in the Cleveland Clinic case study, an “Onboarding Toolkit” (Daft, 2018, p.98). The toolkit could contain recommended companywide best practices, department checklists, regularly used correspondence, and key division leaders. This toolkit can streamline access to information and facilitate the ability to reach out to others crucial in delivering community outreach and support programs more efficiently.

Many of the non-profit management teams serve in positions for short periods (2-5 years). Therefore, turnover can deliver consistent results, and most senior staff positions are filled from outside the organization. “Compared to external CEO candidates, internal CEO candidates deliver significantly higher market-adjusted shareholder returns and remain in position longer along with less likely to be terminated” (Groves, 2017, p.39). Many individuals do not consider a career in non-profits viable, so having the organization step up its effort in the high school & college sectors might be a more potent opportunity to entice individuals to consider this career path. Many non-profits also offer options to pay for secondary education costs and federal forgiveness programs to remove student debt for non-profit service.

Which of the primary best practices (frameworks, principles, policies, tools, etc.) covered in this course are most applicable to your current organization’s development needs (or division, department, or work unit)?

“Strategy includes the planning & decision making that leads to the establishment of a firm’s goals” (Daft, 2018, p.240). Talent and Management programs can give employees a stronger sense of purpose and cultivate leadership from the inside, especially in non-profits where the mission prioritizes profits. Two critical ongoing tasks for any leader are getting the job done and developing others. As a previous senior manager with Habitat, I realize that tools are one missing aspect that can help facilitate a stronger level of awareness for both the internal and external customers of the organization.

Based on the content covered in this course, what are the top three recommendations you would propose to your organization’s senior executive team or board?

The board of directors, especially in this type of non-profit, plays a key role, so it is imperative to get their early buy-in to any changes within the organization’s structure. One way to ensure success is to show the benefit other non-profits have obtained through retaining employees, offering opportunities to develop new skills, and improve others. I came into the organization as a volunteer. So, I would like to see Talent & Management programs, Onboarding Toolkits, and even mentors in place to help strengthen our affiliate and grow an internal talent pool ready for the next challenge.


Daft, R. L. (2018). Management (13th ed.). Cengage Learning.

Groves, K. S. (2017). Winning strategies: building a sustainable leadership pipeline through talent management & succession planning. Second River Healthcare. 

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