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SEC 327 Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plan (RAMP) Paper Proposal Identify the f



SEC 327 Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plan (RAMP) Paper ProposalIdentify the facility type: School facility/ Education facilitiesIdentify the Critical Infrastructure (CI) Sector: Government Facilities sectorIdentify 3 sample sources of information you will cite in your paper: (HINT—one of the sources shall be the CI Sector Plan for the CI Sector you identified. See https://www.cisa.gov/critical-infrastructure-sectorsPatterson, L., Carter, R., and Durkovich, C., 2015. Government Facilities Sector-Specific Plan. [online] Cisa.gov. Available at: https://www.cisa.gov/sites/default/files/publications/nipp-ssp-government-facilities-2015-508.pdf [Accessed 3 March 2022].Fein, Ph.D, R., Vossekuil, B., Pollack, Ph.D, W., Borum, Psy.D, R., Modzeleski, W. and Reddy, Ph.d, M., 2004. Threat assessment in schools: A guide to managing threatening situations and to creating safe school climates. [online] Www2.ed.gov. Available at: [Accessed 3 March 2022].Hsdl.org. n.d. School Emergency Management Planning: Hazard Vulnerability Assessments. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 March 2022].Based on your preliminary work, provide a one-paragraph summary of the type of threats and hazards to expect to find in your research of the type of facility you plan to study:Risk assessments are necessary because they are an element of safety and health management strategy. It helps in spreading awareness of hazards and risks that may pose a danger to citizens and determines who may be a danger, such as employees, students, the public, etc. But a risk assessment is essentially important in schools because it is a thorough analysis of the institution to determine the proper potential health and safety threat. This allows administrators to swiftly determine whether your institution is complying with health and safety regulations. This is why any education facility would be one of the nation’s critical infrastructure subsectors (Patterson, Carter, and Durkovich., 2015). But what is critical infrastructure? Governments use the phrase “critical infrastructure” to characterize assets that are critical to a society’s and economy’s operation. Given this, some threats and hazards I expect to find in my research for school/education facilities are weather, natural disasters, hazmat, utility failures, infectious diseases, biological hazards, human-centered violence (i.e., active shooters/aggressors, gang violence, and criminal threats), and other emergency incidents.

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