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Security and Risk Management: Project


Expectations: After reviewing the Project information, the group should evaluate the Weaknesses listed and then identify the Risks, Threats, and Countermeasures.

Each member identifies 8 or more Weaknesses, risk, threat and countermeasures (as found in the Project information) he/she would like to analyze and post that information to the “Weakness” Discussion thread

Each member uses the Weaknesses he/she selected and posts Threats (that can exploit the Weaknesses). Other members of the team should look for additional threats. Group members should discuss and update the Threats column on the Project worksheet.

Each member uses the Weaknesses/Threats he/she selected and posts Risks (that can generate loss should the Threat exploit the Weakness). Other members of the team should look for additional Risks. Group members should discuss and update the Risks column on the Project worksheet.

Each member uses the Weaknesses/Threats/Risks he/she selected and posts Countermeasures (that can mitigate the Risks). Other members of the team should look for additional Countermeasures. Group members should discuss and update the Countermeasures column on the Project worksheet

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