See question below.


11-21 slides


Review The Joint Commission standards for the type of health care organization that you chose in Week 1 and that you have used throughout this course.

  • Identify at least two sections of the standards (e.g., environment of care, leadership).
  • Describe how these sections are implemented in your selected health care facility.
  • Make recommendations for improvement.


i did the outline:  



I.                   Introduction

1.      Introduction of Asbury Methodist Nursing home (Gaithersburg, MD)

II.                National Safety Goals

1.      Pepper Report

2.      Comparison with other nursing homes

III.             Medication Management and safety precautions

IV.             Joint Commission Standards

1.      JCS; standard for medication management

A.    Splitting the patients more evenly so that medications are given timely and

if need be having more Medication aides.

B.     Apply new protocols for Parkinson’s medication.

2.      Infectious Control

A.    Improved guidelines for prevention of c-diff and other infections.

B.     Improved Training and compliance.

V.                Implementation

A.    Medication Management

B.     Training

VI.             Recommended Improvements

VII.          References




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