Sex And Gender


Sex And Gender

Sex And Gender


 You are expected to use the textbook as your first source and to cite in-text where you used the the text information. A complete reference list is expected at the end of each discussion. (Min-250 words)

In this activity, we will explore the difficult issue of sex and gender. Listen to an NPR interview about the story of David Reimer.

Next, read about the story at Buffalo Case Study Center and the New York Times.

Next, look at some stories from current times from CNN and NY Magazine.

Discuss what you have learned about the issues of nature/nurture and sex/gender.
Recognizing the hindsight is better (look up this word if it is unfamiliar), what would you have advised the parents of David to do? Why?  Keep in mind what they knew then, who they were, how the world was different. You are not discussing what you would do today.

  • attachmentFundamentalsofAbnormalPsychologyNinthEdition.c213.pdf
  • attachmentChapter12notes.docx

Lecture Hand-out (Learning Unit 12)

Sexual & Gender Disorders

This chapter can be quite difficult for many students. Our culture is often reluctant to discuss these issues  and many people are embarrassed to discuss them. however, the sexually-related disorders are real disorders and it is important to consider them. Some of the disorders relate to individual performance and problems that may be physiological in nature but have psychological effects. Other disorders can cause the individual to harm others, including children. While they are labeled disorders, it does not negate individual responsibility for behavior. The disorder may explain the behavior but it does not excuse it. The other disorder considered in this chapter, Gender Dysphoria, can be quite confusing to most of us as it is hard to imagine being born in the wrong body. The first category of disorders are the sexual dysfunctions. These are the most common of the sexual disorders. Most of us may have occasional problems in this area that are related to stress, fatigue or medication. That does not make mean a disorder. Dysfunctions are only classified as disorders if the dysfunction is persistent. Again, these disorders have a biological cause and are treated with medication but they also have significant psychological components and so fit into this course. At this site you can read about some of these dysfunctions. Paraphilias involve sexual preference with objects, children or nonconsenting adults. Sadism, masochism and pedophilia are some of the most common paraphilias. Most people with a paraphilia doe snot voluntarily seek treatment since they do not think that there is anything wrong with them. Treatment can be useful for some paraphilias but many of them are not treatable. Gender Dysphoria is the sense that one was born in the wrong body. Thus, a female make have a sense that she really should be a male. This is not the same as sexual orientation which is not a disorder. It is often called transsexualism. Some transsexuals choose to undergo a sex change operation although this is not a step that is taken lightly nor done quickly. It involves several years of therapy and living as the opposite gender. Also, someone with GD is not the same as someone who cross-dresses.  Review the DSM V criteria.

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