Short discussion post



Submit a written response (in complete sentences, 300-400 words) to the following prompts:

  1. How are white fat cells, brown fat cells, and beige fat cells different from one another?
  2. In your own words, explain how mitochondria in brown fat cells use the energy in food molecules to generate heat by thermogenesis.
  3. How might the manipulation of beige fat cells in the human body be a cure for obesity?
  4. List (but DO NOT explain) two topics from other units in Bio2 that are directly discussed in this article.

Peer Review Response

After you make your initial post, you will be able to view the initial posts of your classmates. Write a 3-4 sentence reply to Question 4 from ONE of your classmate’s initial responses. Explain how the two topics your classmate listed in Q4 are directly related to the topic discussed in the article.

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