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Socialization Paper Terms and Agents


I’ve also defined the 20 terms in terms of my life as you may have noticed THERE IS ALSO A SAMPLE ESSAY ATTACHED BUT NOTHING FROM THIS ESSAY CAN BE USED UNLESS TOTALLY REWRITTEN BUT THE TERMS MUST ADHERE TO MY SAMPLES PROVIDE THEM NO ONE ELSES Assignment #2–Socialization Paper: Using as
many agents of socialization that apply, describe how each agent
socialized you to become the person that you are today. Trace your
personal socialization from birth to the present moment. Be sure to
include all of the following terms:

1. Status: friend, employee, coach ascribed=sister, daughter

role expectations: the expectation that comes with the fact that I have
the role and gender of a women, armenian family= women does cooking,
cleaning, have been doing so for generations but it is accepted and
never challenged in our culture

3. role strain: bio student= too
many challenging science and mathematics courses, need to take 15+ units
every semester to transfer in 2 years

4. role conflict: the role as a student and employee was probably one of the most difficult ones.

5. agents of socialization: parents, friends, other members of society in my generation

6. Norms: no cursing in public, normal hygiene

7. Folkways: being polite, using manners, shaking a person’s hand when introducing yourself, always greeting elders first

Mores: how to dress for certain social settings, no drinking during
high school, school more important than relationships with boys

9. Values: my family’s values→ education, keeping family close, kids after marriage

10. social control: (norms, folkways, mores) parents and friends influenced what was socially acceptable

11. Sanctions: good grades=praise, was expected bad grades=punishment

Subculture: different groups in high school: band, jocks, “nerds,” ASB,
“goths” I did basketball for all 4 years→ jocks group

13. cultural capital: education is more important than anything in my family, due to my father’s educational attainment

14. Ethnocentrism: private armenian school, only associated with Armenians, differing cultures=inferior

cultural relativism: viewing cultures around me with an unbiased view
and saw them as their own with their own standards/customs, make many
friends outside of my ethnicity which educated me and allowed to
experience the world from their culture’s perspective.

16. sensorimotor stage: sticking things in mouth as a baby→ learning what your environment is

17. preoperational stage: using words to communicate and to create an understanding, “no” “yes” “why”

18. concrete operational stage: think logically and rationally → middle school

formal operational stage: think abstractly about the things I came
across as challenges in my life→ taking challenging courses

generalized other: the basketball team is the generalized other in so
far as it enters – as an organized process or social activity – into the
experience of any one of the individual members of it

Structure and instructions for the paper:

You must use an essay format. You must utilize a minimum of three
agents of socialization, and examine your life by fully discussing the
impact of each agent of socialization on the development of who you are
today. You must include all of the above twenty terms. Note: You must
utilize each term in a manner that clearly articulates to the reader an
understanding of the concept. You must use the key terms in a clear and
logical manner that fits into your overall essay. You must highlight or
underline the above 20 terms in your paper at least once. You must keep
the paper 3 typewritten pages, double-spaced, 12
point font. You must include a coversheet with a title, your name,
class, and date. Submit it stapled in the upper left hand corner. No
binders or folders.

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