Solution/Proposal Essay


  • Open by immediately engaging the audience interest
  • Provide the obviously well-researched description of the problem. One of your sources must be Where Am I Eating?, (will give more information). Every paragraph of this essay should contain evidence gathered from research.
  • Put the problem into the context of your solution (for example, if your solution is local, put the problem into a local context, like Dallas, etc. )
  • Forecast the argument
  • State the claim (thesis)
  • Has a works cited list that includes Timmerman’s book as well as a minimum of four sources from the DCCCD library databases.
    • MLA formatting for in-text citations and Works Cited page
    • Works Cited page listing the three to five reliable sources that are cited within the essay
    • Four full pages of text, meaning a few lines more than four pages.
    • TWO Visual Elements, such as data/graph and/or image related to proposal
    • Minimum 25-word interpretation of each visual element that explains the relevance of the image.

    It should be at least four pages long (Touch page #5!!) plus a Works Cited page.Page requirement DOES NOT INCLUDE the visuals you will add to this essay, so your overall page count will exceed six pages.The writing should be in Standard American English, well-structured, easy to follow, free from personal references and unnecessary wordiness.

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