Source Comparison Worksheet


Source Comparison Worksheet

Read Distinguishing Sources by Type from the University Library.

Read the Porr and Zimmerman articles (see Learning Activities folder).

Analyze and evaluate the Porr and Zimmerman articles for their credibility as a doctoral research source.

Complete the table below. The first row has been completed as an example.

Source Evaluation Criteria Porr Article Zimmerman Article

Use of APA format for in-text citations and references Use of in-text citations No APA in-text citations 

Authors’ credentials and affiliation

Source publication (Is the source peer reviewed according to Ulrich’s?)

Scholarly writing (comment on author’s use of scholarly writing)

Use of supporting evidence

Value as a doctoral research source

Reflection question: Both articles addressed the same topic—leadership versus management. What insights can you gain from comparing the two sources’ research value? How will you apply these insights in your doctoral research?

Based on the readings, write a 125-word evaluative discussion on the differences and similarities between management and leadership styles. Use the pre-formatted pages following this page.

Include in-text citations and a reference list.

Title of the Paper 

Your Name

Institution Name

Course Name

Instructor’s Name

Assignment Due Date

Title of the Paper

Begin the paper here. Double space the entire document. Indent the first line by one-tab key (0.5 inches). University of Phoenix accepts one space after a period. The first paragraph is the introduction in every paper and does not contain a subheading. Provide a brief overview of the general topic and end with a preview of the topics discussed in the paper. Unless the paper is a self-assessment analysis or a reflections paper, never write using first person: I, me, my, mine, etc. Never write academic papers using second person: you, your, yours, etc.  Using editorial “we” and “our” is not acceptable. For more information on writing style and grammar, review the APA Manual, Chapter 4.


The final Level 1 heading in every paper is for the conclusion section and eliminates the need to add “In summary,” or “In conclusion” as the start of the final paragraph. The conclusion summarizes the key points made in the paper with no new information or analysis. The conclusion is simply a recap of the most notable information presented in the paper.


[NOTE: References are listed in alphabetical order.  All references listed in the reference list must have an in-text citation from that source in the body of the paper.  For additional examples of reference formatting, see Chapter 10 of the APA Manual]

Journal Article Example

Ainsworth, S., & Purss, A. (2009). Same time, next year? Personnel Review, 38(3), 217-235.

Authored Book Example

Bateman, T. S., & Snell, S. A. (2007). Management: Leading and collaborating in a competitive world (7th ed.). McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Chapter in an Edited Book Example

Eatough, V., & Smith, J. (2008). Interpretative phenomenological analysis. In C. Willig & W. Stainton-Rogers (Eds.), The Sage handbook of qualitative research in psychology (pp. 179-195). Sage Publications.

Magazine Article Example

Kuttner, R. (2003, September 8). The great American pension-fund robbery. Business Week, 24-26.

Dissertation Example

Lisbon, E. I. (2010). A study of leadership preferences by generation. (Publication No. 3455137) [Doctoral dissertation, Our Lady of the Lake University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.

Webpage on a Website Example

Moore, T. G. (2017, December). Self-compassion may improve resiliency. Mayo Clinic.…

Website Example

World Health Organization (2018, March). Questions and answers on immunization and vaccine safety.…

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