Student Behavior Discussion


Student Behavior Discussion

Student Behavior Discussion


Assignment- Choose a scenario from Chapter 11 in the Charles text. Identify which scenario you have chosen and discuss how you would address the student. Be specific in your plan and remember to integrate your Christian worldview.(Bible verses) . Student Behavior Discussion


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loes Tyler began the morning by refusing to participate in opening activities. He chose instead to make beeping sounds. After the opening activities, the class was to read quietly on their own for 10 minutes, but Tyler decided belliger- to sing loudly. When asked to stop, he began to hoot. He was ent and noisy for some time. He poked Jackie with a pencil, chewed the eraser off his pencil and swallowed it, and insisted on writing on his math sheet with a tiny piece of pencil lead moistened with spittle. He refused to comply with academic instructions until it was almost time for recess. Dure ng recess, Tyler pushed, poked, hit, and tried to choke other students. He ughed when they protested. He engaged in violent play fantasies and as extremely argumentative with the teachers on duty, swearing at them d insisting they could not make him do anything he didn’t want to do. ally, Tyler had to be led physically back to the classroom. He screamed t his rights were being violated and that he would sue the school and the teachers. Tyler worked the rest of the morning alone in the resource room with esource teacher. In the afternoon, he was well behaved, compliant, villing and able to participate and learn. ling the teacher, student, other school staff, family members, and professionals such as psychologists, reading clinicians, and speech and language therapists. Based on their assessment and on the availability of re- sources, special services may be provided to the student at school. Scenario 2 Justin The class had just finished a discussion of a chapter in the book they were reading. Justin actively participated in the discussion, making correct and well-thought-out responses. Mr. Gatta, the teacher, then instructed the class to complete a chapter summary sheet at their desks. Justin needed to be told a second time to get started. Justin put his feet up on his desk and began to belch loudly. The students laughed. Mr. Gatta asked Justin to stop belching and take his feet off his desk, whereupon Justin put his feet down and wrapped his legs around the legs of his desk. He then leaned back and made himself fall backwards, pulling his desk on top of him. When Mr. Gatta came to help disentangle Justin from the furniture, Justin grabbed the desk, wrapped his legs tighter around it, squealed loudly, and laughed uncontrollably. Commentary: Justin shows great reluctance to write down answers, even though he can say them correctly. His behavior may be linked to a learning disability, and there may also be other neural issues involved. What Is Dyslexia? nly diagnosed of all learning disabili- Education 4 Phase Three Engaging with Your Students and Activating Their Internal Motivation instructions and directing lessons, all of which reduce distractions from extraneous sources. Student Behavior Discussion

You should also give directions slowly and distinctly, check that students have understood correctly, and maintain a sense of calm. Scenario 3 Jimmy Jimmy entered kindergarten in September. By January, his behavior was worse than when he began school. Every day he had a series of tantrums, usually beginning when he arrived at school. He sometimes complied with directions, but more often, especially during changes of activity, he might scream, cry, kick, flail his arms, fall to the floor, or run out of the classroom. During his “episodes,” he had kicked and hit staff members and as- saulted students who were in his way. Jimmy’s home life was unremarkable. He had an older sibling, both parents, and lived in a quiet neighborhood. His family environment was loving and stable. His parents were very concerned about his behavior. Jimmy did not have any diagnosed neuro- logical conditions. His mother did not drink or use illicit substances during her pregnancy. The pregnancy and his birth were deemed typical. Commentary: This child, with no diagnosis other than his behavior to sug- gest neurological dysfunction, was having a terrible experience in school. His teacher ultimately changed the classroom environment to cut down sensory stimulation, after which Jimmy’s behavior improved considerably. in, per. never develop language tioning, independent members of socie haps the world’s most accomplished and well-known adult with autism. Dr. Grandin and 20/20, and has been featured in publications such as Time, People, Forbes, U.S. has appeared on major television programs such as Today, Larry King Live, 48 Hours, News and World Report, and the New York Times (see Scenario 4 Tay ignores them. Tay is extremely noisy. Even during quiet work time, she taps, hums, or makes other noises. When the teacher asks her to stop, she denies doing anything. She talks very loudly. When classmates ask her to be quiet, she Tay wears three pairs of socks all the time and adjusts the cuffs on each pair a number of times a day. She cannot settle down and focus until her socks are just right. She will not change shoes for gym class. When the gym teacher tried to make her do so, Tay swore at her and ran out of the gym and away from school, crying hysterically. When dashing across the street, Tay ran into the side of a parked car, then fell to the road and sobbed until a teacher came to get her. Commentary: Tay is diagnosed with ASD with extreme SID. Outside noise bothers her greatly, so she makes her own noise to drown it out. It is specu- lated that she wears the three pairs of socks to put extra pressure on her feet, which would be an indicator of SID, as is her continual cuff adjust-

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