StudiesReadingsUse your Applied Human Behavior in the Social Environment text to read the following:Chapter 18, “Socially Deviant Behavior.”This chapter offers definitions of socialization and social control; lists reasons for anti-social and delinquent behavior; and suggests that much deviant behavior ends in adulthood.Use the Internet to view the following:Khanacademymedicine. (Producer). (n.d.). Perspectives on deviance: Differential association, labeling theory, and strain theory [Video] | Transcript. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSucylf4KhYThis video discusses three theories of deviant behavior: differential association, labeling theory, and strain theory. By understanding the socialization processes by which individuals act in deviant ways, practitioners can develop appropriate interventions.Learning ComponentsThis activity will help you achieve the following learning components:Analyze prominent social work theories.( DISCUSSION POST DIRECTION)Media, Socialization, and DeviancyTechnology provides socialization that influences how we, as a society, view deviancy. In this unit, take the time to view some source of programming through technology. Examples may include television, Twitter, Facebook, new feeds, et cetera. For this discussion, view at least two programs and state:The source and names of the programs.Your perception of the social message of the programs, with examples.Keeping in mind your unit readings on deviancy, how do these programs confirm or negate the larger societal messages about deviant behavior?In your post, critique your activities and thoughts. Be sure to address the concept of deviancy (whether you think the activities support or dismantle deviancy).Complete your initial post by Thursday of this unit.Response GuidelinesRespond to the post of at least one learner whose activities, thoughts, and critique differ from yours. Be sure to address the concept of deviancy in your response, as it relates to the learner’s post, and also discuss how his or her post impacts your future social work practice. Complete your response by Sunday of this unit.Learning ComponentsThis activity will help you achieve the following learning components:Define at-risk populations.ResourcesDiscussion Participation Scoring Guide.APA Style and Format.