Here is my assignment. For this assignment, I am making a study plan for how to write a paragraph for third grade. I must follow the instructions in the attachments 1 and 2. My plan is to teach once a week for 8 weeks. After the study plan, I must fill out attachment 3. When I complete this assignment, I must make a power-point presentation explaining everything in my study plan with a hand-out for my teacher and my classmates.
If you are willing to help me, could you please follow the directions I just gave you and send me what you would do for each section each week. If you are willing to help me, please read everything carefully and follow all directions to the letter. To do this, you must have a background in education and study plans. Please use your own experience, not that of others.
The study plan and Curriculum Planning & Implementation must be done in Word separately. The presentation must be done in power-point.
Please look over my assignment and tell me if you would be willing to do it. Please notice all that is required of me.