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  • survey about the digital learning culture, including digital communication. In preparation for designing your survey, review Section 35 of Ch. 7, “Survey Research” of Research Methods in Psychology on the characteristics of an effective survey question.

survey about the digital learning culture, including digital communication. In preparation for designing your survey, review Section 35 of Ch. 7, “Survey Research” of Research Methods in Psychology on the characteristics of an effective survey question.


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Create a free Kahoot account at getkahoot.com or a free Survey Monkey account at surveymonkey.com.Identify important factors in the digital learning culture, including expectations for communication.Prepare your survey by writing your questions and answers. You have the option of rearranging your questions and information under the edit questions button at the bottom of the screen forKahoot!, and under the builder option forSurveyMonkey.Consider the contributions digital natives and digital immigrants make to the digital culture. Substantiate your claim by incorporating credible, paraphrased materials. “Looking for a Similar Assignment? Get Expert Help at an Amazing Discount!””Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you with a guaranteed plagiarism-free A+ quality paper.

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