Systems and Control


Using the EOM for Configuration you derived in the previous lab, linearize the system dynamics following the procedure presented above about a generic steady-state operating condition with pump speed Üp and water height hl. Use the modified version of the pump mass flow rate equation from (1.2.7) so that the EOM is25 points) From this linearized EOM, express the open-loop system dynamics in the standard first-order transfer function form from (1.3.6). Let y Ahl and u Avp. Identify expressions for the DC gain K DC and the time constant T. (25 points) Determine the closed-loop transfer function for the water level of Tank 1 using PI control, as in (1.3.8), in terms of the open-loop parameters, K DC and T, and the controller parameters, kp and kt. (25 points) Compare the denominator of your closed-loop transfer function with the denominator of the standard form from (1.3.10) to determine lcp and ki as functions of K DC, T, wn, and (. You will use these expressions in this lab to design the PI control gains based on control specifications for percent overshoot and peak time.

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