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  •   Take the following C code. (  see  file fib.c )   1.)    Compile it and get results. 2.)    Convert C code to MIPS. 3.)   …

  Take the following C code. (  see  file fib.c )   1.)    Compile it and get results. 2.)    Convert C code to MIPS. 3.)   …



Take the following C code. (  see  file fib.c )


1.)    Compile it and get results.

2.)    Convert C code to MIPS.

3.)    Using SPIM report on register step by stem using snip/or cut and copy screen shots.




/* File:     count_sort.c

 * Purpose:  Implement count sort of a list of ints


 * Compile:  gcc -g -Wall -o count_sort count_sort.c

 * Run:      ./count_sort


 * Input:    n (number of elements)

 *           elements of list

 * Output:   sorted list


 * Note:     List is statically allocated.  Recompile if n > 100


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>


#define MAX 100


void Read_list(int list[], int n);

void Count_sort(int list[], int n);

int  Fnd_pos(int val, int i, int list[], int n);

void Copy_list(int new_list[], int list[], int n);

void Print_list(int list[], int n);


int main(void) {

   int list[MAX], n;


   scanf(“%d”, &n);


   Read_list(list, n);

// Print_list(list, n);

   Count_sort(list, n);

   Print_list(list, n);


   return 0;

}  /* main */



void Read_list(int list[], int n) {

   int i;


   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)

      scanf(“%d”, &list[i]);

}   /* Read_list */



/* Sort list of n elements by “counting”

 * number of elements less than each element,

 * and using the count as the subscript in

 * a new list


void Count_sort(int list[], int n) {

   int i, loc, new_list[MAX];


   for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {

      loc = Fnd_pos(list[i], i, list, n);

      new_list[loc] = list[i];



   Copy_list(new_list, list, n);

}  /* Count_sort */



/* Find the position to insert val among the elements    

 * in list by counting the number of elements “less than”

 * val.  In the case of a tie, an element list[j] is

 * considered “less than” val if j < i.


int  Fnd_pos(int val, int i, int list[], int n) {

   int j, count = 0;


   for (j = 0; j < n; j++)

      if (list[j] < val)


      else if (list[j] == val && j < i)



   return count;

}  /* Fnd_pos */



/* Copy contents of new_list into list.  Both store

 * n elements


void Copy_list(int new_list[], int list[], int n) {

   int i;


   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)

      list[i] = new_list[i];

}  /* Copy_list */



void Print_list(int list[], int n) {

   int i;


   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)

      printf(“%d “, list[i]);


}  /* Print_list */




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