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  • The discussion is to find an accounting and finance related topic and find a rel

The discussion is to find an accounting and finance related topic and find a rel



The discussion is to find an accounting and finance related topic and find a related current events (look through the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Forbes, The Economist, company press releases, or any other credible financial publications or blogs you like) to learn about what’s happening in the financial markets, at thefederal reserve, in government regulations, or with accounting policies.Your original post should be 1-2 paragraphs, or a “30-second” essay, on the topic of your choice. Your postshould include a summary background on the topic/event, links to any relevant articles, tables, and mostimportantly, your opinion and perspective on the issue. Remember this is a discussion so try to stimulatedialogue by posing questions, highlighting conflicts or frictions, and using examples to educate and engage yourpeers in this topic conversation.You can answer the following as a hint:How can I use financial statement analysis tools to understand what this means?How can they help predict what may happen next?You may also use water cooler conversations, events at your jobs, or topics in other courses as ideas to investigate further.

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