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The essay should be in MLA format with references and a works cited. The paper m



The essay should be in MLA format with references and a works cited. The paper may address the questions with an integrated argument about the story.Please use your last name to identify the file when turning in the questions.Bluebeard is a violent nobleman. This sounds like an oxymoron, or contradiction. When you read consider what the tale is saying about the connection of violence and nobility.What does his frightfully ugly blue beard represent?This story is often read as a cautionary against female curiosity and compared to other myths like Pandora, the biblical Eve, Psyche and others.Still, it is the wife’s curiosity that prepares her to fight blue beard. If she had not “looked” in the closet, then she would not have called her brothers or known in what mortal danger she was involved.Consider -why is female curiosity often considered bad?Does curiosity generally lead to success or is it more of a “mixed bag”?When do you think the female protagonist begins to realizes her husband and the one she loves is a murderer?After her brothers come and kill bluebeard the female protagonist inherits all his wealth.What is the irony of this?At last happy the wife gives money to her sister and remarries. How does this happy ending compare to other less positive myths?Watch a recent version of bluebeard on film, such as Catherine Breillat’s 2010 version and compare it to the story.Also, consider:What is the symbolism of the locked closet and bloody key? What do they represent?What is the gender statement of this story?Which is more real the wives in the closet or the living figure?What does the story say about the power curiosity has over our lives?Why do the brothers arrive in a cloud of smoke? What is the symbolism in the wife asking several times of her sister: “Ann do you see them (my brothers) coming?”

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