The Levels of Achievement


The Levels of Achievement

The Levels of Achievement

Observation paper Rubric

CriteriaLevels of Achievement
Content 70%70 pointsAdvanced 90-100% (A)Proficient 70-89% (B-C)Developing 1-69% (< D)Not present
Clinical Experience Review126 to 140 pointsFull summary of each session, Application of theory, Biblical Worldview Integration, Application of Learning. Proper use of required resources.98 to 125 pointsMostly complete summary of each session, Application of theory, Biblical Worldview Integration, Application of Learning. Less than the required resources. 1 to 97 pointsSome summary of each session, Application of theory, Biblical Worldview Integration, Application of Learning. Less than the required resources.0 pointsNot present.
Structure 30%30 pointsAdvanced 90-100% (A)Proficient 70-89% (B-C)Developing 1-69% (< D)Not present
Essay Formatting and Mechanics54 to 60 pointORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED, PLAGIARISM-FREE PAPERSsThe paper exceeds these structure requirements:Full assignment length requirement.All information is communicated in the student’s own words.The source of paraphrased ideas is identified with an APA formatted citation and reference.If a quotation is included it is properly identified according to current APA standards.Correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation are used to create a clear expression of ideas.

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