The Levels of Achievement
The Levels of Achievement
Observation paper Rubric
Criteria | Levels of Achievement | |||
Content 70%70 points | Advanced 90-100% (A) | Proficient 70-89% (B-C) | Developing 1-69% (< D) | Not present |
Clinical Experience Review | 126 to 140 pointsFull summary of each session, Application of theory, Biblical Worldview Integration, Application of Learning. Proper use of required resources. | 98 to 125 pointsMostly complete summary of each session, Application of theory, Biblical Worldview Integration, Application of Learning. Less than the required resources. | 1 to 97 pointsSome summary of each session, Application of theory, Biblical Worldview Integration, Application of Learning. Less than the required resources. | 0 pointsNot present. |
Structure 30%30 points | Advanced 90-100% (A) | Proficient 70-89% (B-C) | Developing 1-69% (< D) | Not present |
Essay Formatting and Mechanics | 54 to 60 pointORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED, PLAGIARISM-FREE PAPERSsThe paper exceeds these structure requirements:Full assignment length requirement.All information is communicated in the student’s own words.The source of paraphrased ideas is identified with an APA formatted citation and reference.If a quotation is included it is properly identified according to current APA standards.Correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation are used to create a clear expression of ideas. |