The organization is the Oklahoma state department of education office of English Language proficiency. I have included and example and the organizations guidebook.The mission, vision, and values define the core purpose of an organization’s existence, identify the desired future aspirations, and outline the key principles that will guide and influence its daily work and culture. They provide an essential communicative function for internal and external stakeholders and guide day-to-day behaviors and decisions for those within the organization.For projects using a new organization, identify the primary stakeholders. Develop a method (e.g., interview, survey, focus group, etc.). for garnering input from specific stakeholders. This primary stakeholder or group of stakeholders are those who will be collaborating with you or whose perspectives you will be seeking as part of developing the mission, vision, and values for the organization.Complete an environmental scan (e.g., SWOT analysis, STEEPLE, PRIMO-F) for the organization. Consider the social, economic, political, regulatory, technological, and cultural environment in which the organization functions, including assumptions and potential challenges; identify relevant peer and aspirant organizations for analysis and comparison.Analyze and evaluate the existing mission, vision, and values or draft a set for a new organization, incorporating input from the primary stakeholders as necessary.Write your report. In addition to the title page, abstract, introduction and conclusion, and references, including the following sections:Organizational Context:Describe the organizational setting and characteristics.This section will identify and describe the sector or industry, product or service, primary stakeholders, age of the organization, organizational history and structure (if applicable), and any other pertinent characteristics necessary for the reader to understand the organizational context.Environmental ScanDiscuss the current strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats facing your organization and organizations in your industry.Identify relevant peer and aspirant organizations for analysis and comparison.Development/Analysis of Mission, Vision, and ValuesDescribe the significance of mission, vision, and values for effective leadership practice, especially in communication and decision-making.For existing organizations, analyze and discuss the findings of your analysis of the mission, vision, and values in terms of organizational structure and functional areas (i.e., reporting lines and internal governance structure/groups). Address how the respective organizational structure and functional areas support/do not support the mission and vision of the institution. Based on your analysis, make recommendations for changes to the mission, vision, and valuesReflectionsWhat insights did you gain from completing the assignment?What challenges did you face in the process?What would you have done differently?How have you grown personally and professionally?AppendixInclude supporting documentation in appropriate appendices, following APA format (e.g., meeting minutes, interview questions, or surveys utilize