The potential relationship between spicy taste and risk seeking
The potential relationship between spicy taste and risk seeking
I need this research paper to be completed step by step. All the instructions to follow is in the brows file. the article is in the brows file as well. this is 6-7 pages of paper. please open the brows file and follow the instructions it is very, very important.
Here is the Article topic am working on:
” The potential relationship between spicy taste and risk seeking”
This paper we consist of:
1. Topic and thesis statement
2. Research articles, background, introduction, and refined thesis statement
3. Methods
4. Results
5. Discussion section
An article is included, instruction to complete the paper, and sample paper.
- Thepotentialrelationshipbetweenspicytasteandriskseeking.pdf
- Instructionstocompletetheresearchpaper1.docx
- samplePaper_APA3.pdf
- GradingRubricIndividualResearchProject1.doc
Grading Rubric: Individual Research Project
Design a research experiment that addresses a major topic in the field of Sensation and Perception. To motivate your paper, use three to ten peer-reviewed research articles as primary sources. Design all aspects of the study as though you were going to collect the data yourself. Manufacture and present data that provide support or refute your hypothesis. Submit a fully written research article NOT a presentation. Please submit an electronic copy of assignments to me via Blackboard. Rather than sending me full research articles for step #2 below, send a single page of references in APA format. Additionally, your project:
1. Must be an original contribution to the scientific literature.
2. Must benefit society
3. Must be something that genuinely interests you.
4. Must relate to a sensory process.
You will only receive a grade for the final presentation. However, different aspects of the assignment are to be completed ahead of time so that I may give you feedback. Please turn in the following on the date mentioned in class:
1. Topic and thesis statement
2. Research articles, background, introduction, and refined thesis statement
3. Methods section
4. Results and Discussion section
5. Rough draft in APA format with citations, figures, tables, figure legends, and references
6. Final draft
Content (60 points) | Points Earned | Additional Comments |
The topic is interesting and appropriate for psychology research | ||
The psychological construct is defined using an operational definition. | ||
The thesis is directed at solving a major problem in field and asks an empirical question. | ||
The hypothesis makes a falsifiable prediction. | ||
The methods are appropriate and sufficiently detailed for an independent party to replicate the study. | ||
The Results section is accurate, brief, and reports statistics. | ||
Tables, Figures, and Figure Legends clearly illustrate the relevant aspects of the data. | ||
The Discussion section recapitulates the hypothesis, results, methods, and motivation of the paper. | ||
The Discussion is logical and relates to the body of the paper. It should also contain key elements (i.e., relate your work to the field, methodological issues, future experiments). | ||
Organization/Development (20 Point) | Points Earned | Additional Comments: |
The paper has a structure that is clear, logical, and easy to follow (e.g., Abstract, Intro, Methods, Results, Discussion, and subheadings when necessary). | ||
The paper addresses a single, empirical research question. There is an argumentative thesis statement. | ||
The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and properly motivates the thesis statement. | ||
Each paragraph has a topic sentence that relates to or supports to the thesis. The content in each paragraph relates to the topic sentence. | ||
Transitions between sentences/paragraphs/sections aid in maintaining the flow of thought. | ||
The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment. Writing is not in the first person. Use the past tense where appropriate. Do not use quotation unless there is no alternative. | ||
Mechanics (20 Point) | Points Earned | Additional Comments |
The paper follows APA format. | ||
In-text citations and bibliography follow APA format. | ||
The paper is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and white space. | ||
Rules of grammar, spelling, and punctuation are followed. | ||
Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. | ||
Total (100 points) |