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  • The purpose for a piece of writing identifies the reason for writing it, by basically answering the question-Why? For example, why write a play?

The purpose for a piece of writing identifies the reason for writing it, by basically answering the question-Why? For example, why write a play?


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Topic 1: Academic WritingThis topic addresses the following objectives:Use academic texts as models for writing.Estimated time to complete topic: 30 minutesIdentify and Explore: Common Academic PurposesThe purpose for a piece of writing identifies the reason for writing it, by basically answering the question-Why? For example, why write a play? To entertain a packed theater. Why write instructions to the babysitter? To inform him or her of the schedule and rules. Why write a letter to a congressman? To persuade him to address the community’s needs.In academic settings, the reasons for writing typically fulfill four main purposes:to summarizeto analyzeto synthesizeto evaluate”Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you with a guaranteed plagiarism-free A+ quality paper.

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