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The purpose of this paper is for you to research and understand the necessary st



The purpose of this paper is for you to research and understand the necessary steps to achieve your short-term career goals. This paper may look similar to your Career Goals #1 paper (and that is okay!). I encourage you to take the time to research the position that you hope to hold five years from now, whether or not it is the same as your first paper. By completing this assignment, you should have a better understanding of which courses to enroll in for upcoming semesters and what experiences you need to start gaining to achieve your goal.Your paper should cover the following:Position Name and describe the position that you want to hold in five years.Job Posting Include an actual job posting in your paper. Be sure to introduce the job post and cite your source.Required Educational Background Describe the educational requirements needed to be employed in your goal position. Be specific and name the degrees, credentials, and certificates needed. Also be sure to list any requirements need for admissions to programs, if further education is required.Required Experience Describe the necessary professional experiences need to be employed in this position. Be specific as to the type of experience and how many hours or months or years are required.Back-up Career Plan Discuss your backup career plan. If you are not able to meet your original goal, what would you do instead? Be specific – include the name and description of the position, education, and experience needed.APA GuidelinesA title pageHeadingsDouble spaced1-inch marginsAPA Font styles & sizesCorrect grammar and spellingReference list

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