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The textbook and lecture notes discussed Dr. Albert Ellis Rational-Emotive Behav



The textbook and lecture notes discussed Dr. Albert Ellis Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy. Make sure to review this material. Also, if you have not already done so make sure to listen to the brief audio recording of Ellis describing his theory.Here is the link: https://soundcloud.com/albertellis/theory-and-practice-of-retAlbert Ellis-Theory and Practice of RETSource: SoundcloudNow, after having reflected on this model answer the following question:Do you agree with Dr. Ellis that one’s thoughts have a direct bearing on their feelings and behaviors? Why or why not? Make sure that you provide enough detail to support your answer.Below is a transcript of the above noted audio.Speaker 1 (00:00):Suppose you go out in a crowded bus or some other area, and somebody pokes you meanly and viciously in the ribs with his elbow or an umbrella, and immediately in a split second you’re angry. And maybe you’re so angry that you’re gonna poke him back and you’re umbrella or your elbow is already swinging in his direction to poke him back because you’re so incensed at his vicious behavior, when suddenly you see that he’s blind. What happens to your anger? I ask people this all the time and almost all the time unsophisticated as well sophisticated people see right away that the anger vanishes, it does not become repressed as it would in Freudian theory, where you’d be angry, you’d wouldn’t wanna admit that you are and you’d repress it, get rid of the anger. It doesn’t even become suppressed. Where quite consciously you’d say, oh, he’s blindSpeaker 1 (01:04):I must not be angry at him. It really goes away and is replaced in almost all instances by other emotions. Usually the emotion that replaces the anger is pity. You start pitying this man for being blind, or maybe even guilt because you say here, I was about to strike this man and he’s blind. Now pity and guilt are radically different emotions than anger. And what happens is the emotion of anger literally changes in a split second, because you are about to poke him. Maybe your arm was swinging and suddenly you stop it and you have a different feeling. And the reason it changes I saw was because of what happens at B the stimulus A is still the same. He poked you in the ribs. Maybe you still have the pain in your ribs, but C your anger at him is no longer the same, because at B, where you were telling yourself that dirty so andSpeaker 1 (02:02):so, poked me in the ribs, how could he do that to me? You are now saying something like that poor man is blind. Isn’t that a shame that he’s blind. He couldn’t help it, or else you’re saying something along the line of how could I possibly have got angry at him when he’s blind? And as I said before, you get guilty, well, this is what always happens to human beings. Something occurs at point A. They tell themselves something at point B, they experience an emotion, a feeling at point C, then by a feedback mechanism, they notice the experience. They notice their anger or their guilt or their upset. Then they tell themselves something about that. And then they get still another emotion very often, or an intensification of the first one. And it keeps going around and around, but it is not the external environment, which influences you. It is what you tell yourself, your philosophy of life, about that environment. Now, part of what you tell yourself will be because certain things happen to you. If certain things are negative all the time, there’s a normal tendency to tell yourself, well, this is terrible. This is awful I can’t stand this rather than well, that’s too bad these negative influences occur. But the fact that there’s a normal tendency doesn’t mean that you have to do this.

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