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The type of research designed to solve a problem by studying it and implementing a solution to the problem


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The type of research designed to solve a problem by studying it and implementing a solution to the problemAssignment 1 AN OVERVIEW OF BUSINESS RESEARCH Circle the correct answer: 1.1 The type of research designed to solve a problem by studying it and implementing a solution to the problem is called pure/action research. 1.2 The type of research where researchers focus on studying phenomena in their natural context, using multiple and subjective data sources is called qualitative/quantitative research. 1.3 In experimental studies, researchers manipulate the dependent/independent variable and observe its effect on the dependent/independent variable. 1.4 In causal-comparative studies, the independent variable is/is not manipulated. 1.5 In experimental studies, unplanned or uncontrolled variables which may affect the outcomes of the studies are called dependent/extraneous variables. 1.6 Studies in which extraneous variables are controlled are said to have high internal/external validity. 1.7 When the results of the study can be generalized to other settings and populations, the study is considered to have internal/external validity. 1.8 In studies where people behave in a way that is different from their normal behavior because they are being observed by the researchers, there may be a threat to the study s statistical regression/external validity. 1.9 In most experimental studies, when the groups being compared are formed by randomly assigning people to groups, these groups are considered more/less similar to each other compared with the majority of studies where intact groups are being compared. 1.10 In pre-experimental studies, there is usually a greater/smaller number of threats to internal validity compared with true experimental studies. 1.11 Experimental and control groups are tested repeatedly before and after the intervention and quasi-experimental studies which are called time-series/ counterbalanced designs. 1.12 In studies where a counterbalanced design is used, all groups receive all interventions in the same/a different order. 1.13 A-B-A designs are used to study the effect of an intervention on individuals/groups. 1.14 A-B-A designs include one/two baseline phase(s) and one/two intervention phase(s). 1.15 Studies designed to measure how variables change over time, without the use of any planned intervention, are called cross-sectional/time-series studies. Circle the best answer. 1.16 The type of research which is aimed at testing theories and applying them to specific situations is called _____. a. applied research b. action research c. pure research d. basic research 1.17 Research conducted in the lab under a tight control of all variables is called _____. a. applied research b. action research c. pure research d. qualitative research 1.18 Studies where researchers look for changes in the dependent variable which may happen as a result of manipulating the independent variable are called ________ studies. a. experimental b. ex post facto c. causal-comparative d. qualitative 1.19 Studies which attempt to establish cause-and-effect relationship are called _____. a. qualitative studies b. descriptive studies c. experimental studies d. cross-sectional studies 1.20 Uncontrolled events happening outside longer-duration experimental studies which can have an effect on the dependent variable, may pose a threat to the study s internal validity that is called _____. a. instrumentation b. statistical regression c. testing d. history 1.21 Causal-comparative research is also called _____. a. pre-experimental research b. time-series research c. action research d. ex-post facto research. 1.22 Experimental studies where two pre-existing groups are used as experimental and control groups are called _____. a. true experimental studies b. cross-sectional studies c. quasi-experimental design studies d. A-B-A case studies 1.23 Studies where groups are tested multiple times before and after the intervention are called _____. a. time-series studies b. counterbalanced studies c. Solomon Four Group studies d. one group pretest-posttest studies . TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT The post The type of research designed to solve a problem by studying it and implementing a solution to the problem appeared first on Term Paper Tutors.”Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you with a guaranteed plagiarism-free A+ quality paper.

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