There are two questions for this exam, each listed below. You must answer both questions. Both essayswill be graded separately. There is a 1,000 word limit per essay (approx. 3 pages each [6 pages total for theentire exam], Times New Roman, double spaced, 12-point font, 1 inch margins). Any materials submittedpast the 1,000 word limit will not be graded.Be sure to cite any and all sources you use for your paper, including course lectures or texts. If you use anyoutside materials, be sure to include a bibliography page. If you use only course materials there is no needto submit a bibliography page. I consider plagiarism (any unattributed borrowing of another person’s wordsor ideas) to be a very serious academic offense. Any plagiarism will result in an automatic “F” for theexam, so make sure you cite all your sources for both paraphrasing and quotes and that your essaysrepresent your own original work.Question #1:According to a contemporary theory legend, in the summer of 1984, Edward Said, R.W. Connell, PeterBerger & Thomas Luckmann all found themselves in Paris for separate conferences. After a long day oftheorizing about the nature of society, they all happened to converge on the exact same Parisian bar, “LeDisneyland” owned by none other than Jean Baudrillard. Copious amounts of French wine were consumedas the cohort of theorists discussed their own ideas on the social construction of reality into the earlymorning hours…Detail Berger & Luckmann’s phenomenological conception of the social construction of reality and thenconsider how either Said, based on his concept of “Orientalism” or Connell’s theories of Masculinity (youcan chose which of the theorists passed out drunk in a corner and was not able to continue the discussion)work as potential critiques to Berger & Luckmann’s general theory. As a conclusion, consider howBaudrillard, still completely sober because he’s been the bartender, would critique all of their theories onthe social construction of reality with his conception of “hyper-reality.”Question #2:In a bid to gain greater symbolic capital amongst the intelligentsia, Tyra Banks has radically altered herreality TV show “America’s Next Top Model,” into a significantly more popular edition, “Sociology’sNext Top Theorist” where theorists compete for a cover shot and photo spread in the American Journal ofSociology, taken by noted photographer, Nigel Barker, as well as a $500,000 MacArthur “Genius” Grant.The final challenge is for the remaining theorists to explain their conception of how power works inSociety. You have been called in as a guest judge to cast the tie breaking vote between the finalists,Herbert Marcuse, Michel Foucault & Judith Butler.In your essay provide an account of this finale, summarizing Marcuse’s theories on advanced capitalism,the “one-dimensional” society and the non-repressive society that would follow and then discuss the waysthat Foucault and Butler’s theories on power and its connection to sexuality would critique Marcuse’stheory of Liberation in the Non-repressive society. Be sure to close your essay with a short paragraphwhere you decide which conception appears to work best and you crown the winner of “Sociology’s NextTop Theorist” cycle 1.