- Critical Review.
Every student is to submit the assignment individually. Word limit is given only for the 1st question.
Rest Q/Ans word limit is up to the students. - search for the following article:
- Levitt, T. (1983) ‘Globalisation of markets’, Harvard Business Review, May–June, 92–102.
- You may filter results to find articles for the years between 1982-84 so that you could find the article easily.
answer the
questions below.- In
your own words, summarize the article (minimum of 300 words). - Levitt’s
paper is considered one of the most significant articles in International
Business. Why do you think it is the case? Elaborate. - The
article is about 35 years old, do you think the author’s recommendation
for standardization is still valid today? Or has advancement in technology
altered the sphere the of international trade. Defend your answer with
suitable examples.
• This Assignment consists Critical Review.