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This assignment should be 5-6 pages, double-spaced, typed in 12-point font, and



This assignment should be 5-6 pages, double-spaced, typed in 12-point font, and set to 1” margins.Objectives:Analyze a popular source, what messages it conveys in written media.Explore and make claims about how the messages are conveyed.Discuss to whom the messages are conveyed and speculate about the effectiveness of this message for a specific audience.Develop a complex thesis that makes a claim about how a popular source communicates a message to a specific audience.Introduce complicating evidence.Demonstrate awareness about your role in the conversation about your research question and thesis by acknowledging what is at stake in your analysis. In other words, explain why your analysis matters.Integrate sources in a way that accounts for aspects of the academic conversation that are relevant to the paper’s thesis.Include a title on the first page that reflects the complexity of the paper’s general purposes.Include proper in-text citations of each source consulted or referred to, including the main source that you’re analyzing, and an appropriately formatted Works Cited page following MLA guidelines.Observe the standards of academic writing discussed in class and avoid sentence-level errors and lapses n tone. Produce fluid and precise prose with appropriate transitions throughout.Completing the Assignment:In the previous steps, you have developed analytical claims about the popular source, formulated research questions, and found appropriate outside sources. Now you are ready to complete the Analytical Research Paper. You will want to focus on complicating and evolving your thesis, organizing your essay in a clear and logical fashion, and polishing your writing by paying attention to tone, style, and the mechanics of grammar. As you complete the assignment, consider these questions:Have I explored the popular source thoroughly and developed complex and compelling analytical claims?Have I explained the connection between my analytical claims and the evidence thoroughly and clearly?Am I making compelling arguments that reflect serious inquiry throughout the research process?Have I composed and arranged my paper in a way that progresses logically and makes my meaning clear?Have I appropriately cited the sources that I reference, both in my text and in my Works Cited?Have I observed the conventions of grammar and style expected in academic writing?Formatting and Length Requirements5-6 pages in length (this means that you need to have written at least 5 full pages—just making it to the top of page 5 will be considered short)Analyze at least 1 popular source from TSIS and integrate at least 3 other credible sources. 1 other source can be another essay from TSIS.Typed, double-spaced with 1-inch margins in Times New Roman, 12pt fontUse MLA style citation and format and include a Works Cited page.Refer to pages 484-523 in your textbook and to the Purdue OWL: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/Title and MLA style headerTo view a sample, annotated paper that has an MLA style header and title, visit: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/media/pdf/20090701095636_747.pdf

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