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  • This is Activity 9.2 fro Java Illuminated 4th edition. Im having major trouble with this code. part

This is Activity 9.2 fro Java Illuminated 4th edition. Im having major trouble with this code. part



This is Activity 9.2 fro Java Illuminated 4th edition. Im having major trouble with this code. part one is alreadycoded for me but parts two through five I do on my own. For it Ihave to use a series of enhanced for loops. Part two I feel Ivealmost worked out (Ive turned it into a comment) its a solution ifound studying the textbook but I need to know if it makessense. import java.awt.*;import javax.swing.*;import java.awt.event.*;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Iterator; public class ArrayListPractice extends JFrame{// GUI componentsprivate JButton fillValues;private JButton printAutoList;private JButton setValues;private JButton findMaximum;private JButton countFrequency; private ButtonHandler bh; private static ArrayList carList;private static Auto current = null;private AutoDisplay ad; private static ArrayListPractice app;private boolean firstTime = true; public ArrayListPractice( ){super( “Choose your activity” );Container c = getContentPane( );c.setLayout( new FlowLayout( ) ); fillValues = new JButton( “Fill Cars” );c.add( fillValues );printAutoList = new JButton( “Print Auto List” );c.add( printAutoList );setValues = new JButton( “Set Models” );c.add( setValues );findMaximum = new JButton( “Find Maximum Miles” );c.add( findMaximum );countFrequency = new JButton( “Count Model Frequency” );c.add( countFrequency ); bh = new ButtonHandler( );fillValues.addActionListener( bh );printAutoList.addActionListener( bh );setValues.addActionListener( bh );findMaximum.addActionListener( bh );countFrequency.addActionListener( bh ); setSize( 500,400 ); carList = new ArrayList( ); ad = new AutoDisplay( carList );setVisible( true );ad.setEraseColor( getBackground( ) );// fill carList with several carsfillWithCars( );} // ***** 1. This method has been coded as an example/** Fills the carList with hard-coded Auto objects* The instance variable carList is the ArrayList* to be filled with Auto objects*/public void fillWithCars(){// clear carList before adding carscarList.clear();// Reset the number of Autos to 0// This is needed so that the animation feedback workscorrectlyAuto.clearNumberAutos(); Auto car1 = new Auto(“BMW”, 0, 0.0);Auto car2 = new Auto(“Ferrari”, 100, 500.0);Auto car3 = new Auto(“Jeep”, 1000, 90.0);Auto car4 = new Auto(“Ferrari”, 10, 3.0);Auto car5 = new Auto(“BMW”, 4000, 200.0);Auto car6 = new Auto(“Ferrari”, 1000, 50.0); carList.add(car1);carList.add(car2);carList.add(car3);carList.add(car4);carList.add(car5);carList.add(car6);animate();} // ***** 2. Student writes this method/** Prints carList to console, elements are separated by aspace* The instance variable carList is the ArrayList to beprinted*/public void printAutoList(){// Note: To animate the algorithm, put this method call asthe// last element in your for loop// animate(car);// where car is the variable name for the current Auto object// as you loop through the ArrayList object// Part 2 student code starts here: /** String result = “”;for (Auto currentAuto : carList){result += currentAuto.toString()+”n”;}return result;// Part 2 student code ends here.} */ // ***** 3. Student writes this method/** Sets the model of all the elements in carList to parametervalue* The instance variable carList is the ArrayList to bemodified* @param model the model to assign to all Auto objects incarList*/public void setModelValues(String model){// Note: To animate the algorithm, put this method call asthe// last statement in your for loop// animate(car);// where car is the variable name for the current Auto object// as you loop through the ArrayList object// Part 3 student code starts here: // Part 3 student code ends here.} // ***** 4. Student writes this method/** Finds maximum number of miles driven* Instance variable carList is the ArrayList to search* @return the maximum miles driven by all the Auto objects*/public int findMaximumMilesDriven(){// Note: To animate the algorithm, put this method call asthe// last statement in your for loop// animate(car, maximum);// where car is the variable name for the current Auto object// and maximum is the int variable storing the currentmaximum// number of miles for all Auto elements you have alreadytested// as you loop through the ArrayList object// Part 4 student code starts here: return 0; // replace this statement with your returnstatement // Part 4 student code ends here.} // ***** 5. Student writes this method/** Finds number of times parameter model is found in thecarList* Instance variable carList is the ArrayList in which wesearch* @param model the model to count* @return the number of times model was found*/public int countFound(String model){// Note: To animate the algorithm, put this method call asthe// last statement in your for loop// animate(car, num);// where car is the variable name for the current Auto object// and num is the int variable storing the current number of// Auto elements whose model is equal to the method’sparameter// as you loop through the ArrayList object// Part 5 student code starts here: return 0; // replace this statement with your returnstatement // Part 5 student code ends here.} public void startActivity( int act ){ad.setActivity( act );boolean goodInput = false;String answer = “”;String message = “”;switch( act ){case 0:fillWithCars( );JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, “carList filled with newvalues” );break; case 1:printAutoList( );JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, “carList printed” );break; case 2:answer = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( null, “Enter a car model”);if (answer != null ){ad.setSearchModel( answer );setModelValues( answer );if ( ad.getCurrentModelValuesSet( ) )message = “nYour result is correct”;elsemessage = “nYour result is not correct”;JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, “car models set to ” + answer+ message );}break; case 3:int a = findMaximumMilesDriven( );if ( a == ad.getCurrentMaximumMilesDriven( ) )message = “nYour result is correct”;elsemessage = “nYour result is not correct”;JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, “The maximum number of milesdriven is ” + a + message );break; case 4:answer = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( null, “Enter a car model”);if ( answer != null ){ad.setSearchModel( answer );int frequency = countFound( answer );if ( frequency == ad.getCurrentCountModelFound( ) )message = “nYour result is correct”;elsemessage = “nYour result is not correct”;if ( frequency > 1 )JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, answer + ” found ” + frequency+ ” times” + message );else if ( frequency == 1 )JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, answer + ” found ” + frequency+ ” time” + message );elseJOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, answer + ” not found” +message );}break;}enableButtons( );} public static Auto getCurrent( ){return current;} public static ArrayList getCarList( ){return carList;} private void animate( Auto au ){if ( ad.getActivity( ) == 1 || ad.getActivity( ) == 2 ){try{current = au;ad.setCarList( carList );ad.setCurrentAuto( au );ad.setCurrentIndex( au.getIndex( ) );repaint( );Thread.sleep( 4000 );}catch ( InterruptedException e ){System.out.println( “IE Exception ” + e.getMessage( ) );System.out.println( e.toString( ) );}}else{// call to animate has wrong number of argumentsJOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, “Wrong number of arguments toanimate method” );System.exit( 1 );}} private void animate( Auto au, int studentResult ){if ( ad.getActivity( ) == 3 || ad.getActivity( ) == 4 ){try{current = au;ad.setCarList( carList );ad.setCurrentAuto( au );ad.setCurrentIndex( au.getIndex( ) );ad.setStudentResult( studentResult );repaint( );Thread.sleep( 4000 );}catch ( InterruptedException e ){System.out.println( “IE Exception ” + e.getMessage( ) );System.out.println( e.toString( ) );}}else{// call to animate has wrong number of argumentsJOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, “Wrong number of arguments toanimate method” );System.exit( 1 );}} private void animate( ){if ( ad.getActivity( ) == 0 ){try{ad.setCarList( carList );repaint( );Thread.sleep( 4000 );}catch ( InterruptedException e ){System.out.println( “IE Exception ” + e.getMessage( ) );System.out.println( e.toString( ) );}}else{// call to animate has wrong number of argumentsJOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, “Wrong number of arguments toanimate method” );System.exit( 1 );}} public void paint( Graphics g ){if ( ( ( current != null ) || firstTime ) && (ad.getActivity( ) != 0 ) ){super.paint( g );if ( ad.getCurrentAuto( ) != null )ad.updateAutoDisplay( current, g );firstTime = false;}else if ( ad.getActivity( ) == 0 ){super.paint( g );ad.updateAutoDisplay( g );}} public static void main( String [] args ){app = new ArrayListPractice( );app.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );} public void disableButtons( ){fillValues.setEnabled( false );printAutoList.setEnabled( false );setValues.setEnabled( false );countFrequency.setEnabled( false );findMaximum.setEnabled( false );} public void enableButtons( ){fillValues.setEnabled( true );printAutoList.setEnabled( true );setValues.setEnabled( true );countFrequency.setEnabled( true );findMaximum.setEnabled( true );} private class ButtonHandler implements ActionListener{private boolean on = true;public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ){printAutoListT t = new printAutoListT( app ); if ( e.getSource( ) == fillValues ){disableButtons( );fillValues.requestFocus( );ad.setActivity( 0 );t.start( );}else if ( e.getSource( ) == printAutoList ){disableButtons( );printAutoList.requestFocus( );ad.setActivity( 1 );t.start( );}else if ( e.getSource( ) == setValues ){disableButtons( );setValues.requestFocus( );ad.setActivity( 2 );t.start( );}else if ( e.getSource( ) == findMaximum ){disableButtons( );findMaximum.requestFocus( );ad.setActivity( 3 );t.start( );}else if ( e.getSource( ) == countFrequency ){disableButtons( );countFrequency.requestFocus( );ad.setActivity( 4 );t.start( );}}} private class printAutoListT extends Thread{ArrayList arr;ArrayListPractice s1;public printAutoListT ( ArrayListPractice s ){arr = ArrayListPractice.carList;s1 = s;}public void run( ){startActivity( ad.getActivity( ) );}}} . . .

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